Well yeah, neither do i lol
There’s a surprisingly good amount of (relatively) tame heavy-metal out there, it takes a bit of finding tho.
One of my favorites is this one (not heavy metal and leans more into the country side of things, but it’s really good).

The wordless screaming thing isn’t hypocritical, to each their own lol

damn that’s good, actually, goes hard

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It does, doesn’t it? I like the way they use the chello, gives me shivers every time.

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you might like this one.

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i really like the chorus! the claps give me we will rock you vibes

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Ooooohhhhhhhhhh, I believe that one’s going straight onto the iPod! This is really good, thanks.

glad you like it! i really enjoy the synths on welcome to the machine.

this one has a similar subject matter to welcome, but is much cheerier in tone. The guitar slaps.

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So I think I know what went wrong on the head, someone put it in the wrong file.

Scar’s head is in the game it’s just currently unusable. On the Scar character class under skin patterns “classic” it has a single skin that is bugged out. The left thigh has a red texture that seemingly has no reason to be here. There’s also a clutch of black spots for seemingly no reason on the opposite leg. They’re divots like on the back of a Predator’s head where the dreadlocks are supposed to go.

So my thought process here is that all three Predators are supposed to have Scar’s head. Someone put Scar’s textures AND head model in the skin section. The game as a result can’t properly call in Scar’s head model because it’s in the game but in the wrong file. So instead it defaults to the default head and applies textures to it because all the default textures are compatible with Scar. So ultimately the only error is Scar himself because Scar himself is the only one with a unique texture.

So that is to say that of course everything looks fine on Illfonic’s end as everything TECHNICALLY was where it was supposed to be. But someone fucked up and they or the company tried to cover their asses all the way to PlayStation because the default skin is visible on the store image.

@OldKingHamlet if you’re out there, I’m like 80 percent sure I’ve figured that out if you guys hadn’t already. For the love of god, someone test these things before they go live.

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Been thinking about it and I’m pretty sure some wires got crossed for “Dread” as well in “Mottle”. Mottle is accessible. Dread is the only skin that isn’t and it displays just fine.

I’m willing to bet that in the process of the error with Scar’s head model someone stuck the AVP dreadlocks in the wrong file as well. So the dreads might actually be in Dread because someone didn’t pay attention to where that file is located. So you see Dread and assume that’s Dreadlocks and as a result you’re left with a perfectly usable skin that can’t be accessed because the game thinks you’re trying to activate dreadlocks from the wrong menu.

That’s probably why these skins keep getting locked. It’s not that they’re incompatible but someone probably stuck something in the wrong place resulting in them having to lock it keep something from breaking, or the game errors resulting in something being at a negative value because it itself has no idea what’s actually being done.

NOT purchasing until demands are met: Being a studio illfonic, you first should meet the requirements of the player base community and investors of your product instead of “nickle & dime” DLCs. I still love this game yet the devs/studio lost all of my respect and financial support!

So is it risky to say their holding the game for ransom?

Would it be more harmful to us to boycott the game to make them take notice?

Should the community stop playing?

Does anyone know if anything the studio is making any sense?

Sad but true,
consider it a big package with way too little content inside (mostly air with some loose candy) wrapped up with a greeting card: “Merry fken X-Mas, children”.

Please…pleasee…please just make a single player game mode… this game is clearly on the track to dying multi-player wise focus on single player modes and monetize that way instead

It’s like those Fallout 76 bags / Nuka Rum all over again…

Specifically what happened here seemingly is that they put Scar’s head in the skin section instead of JUST Scar’s texture. Classic’s default skin isn’t bugged out, that’s Scar’s head. So effectively all they have to do to correct this is put Scar’s head and head textures in the right place to fix it.

Problem is, Illfonic is out on it’s winter break until January 2nd. So we have until the start of the new year until they correct the model issue and any other bugs like the specializations.

And they likely wouldn’t be in this mess so long as heads had been selectable to begin with because heads would have a dedicated file to drop them in.

10 dlcs were bought today by fools


Have they nerfed these preds yet?

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Oh I do love a good sarcastic jape.


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