I ain’t no mathematician but.... these numbers don’t add up

Pretty fucking positive this guy SourKrautt was hacking. At first I thought maybe it was just some wack desync but after engaging the rest of his buddies no problem it suddenly happened again. Coincidence? I think not. But hey, just another Predator calling a spade a spade right?

I don’t know though, maybe there is some kind of logical explanation for this but I have no idea except that something fucked is going on. Honestly I’m not even mad actually. It almost feels magical in a sense seeing something that obviously fucked, whether it is a hack or a macro or whatever, it just kind of makes ya sit back and just appreciate the sheer magnitude of the fuckery you just experienced XD

Yeah, something’s not right here. You lost massive chunks of health from what looked like a single shot. I’m pretty sure that no weapon in the game can take a Predator’s health from over halfway full to zero that quickly.

I lost all my health, not just a huge chunk. And I know for a fact no gun in the game can do that. Maybe there is some weird glitch or desync or some shit but… it was perfectly fine with everyone else except that one guy. I also did notice one guy I downed just instantly died too. I hadn’t downed one person yet so I don’t know what the fuck happened there.

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The first time I was like 85% health

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I’d post about this in the bug reports section and then email it to the devs in case you were going up against a cheater (unless they have another way to report possible cheaters).

Do they have an e-mail listed somewhere? Or should I just google it? Lol. And yeah I will link it in the bugs section.

You got hit by a grenade

No grenade does that much damage my dude. They hurt but they don’t one shot. And do you see a grenade alert icon anywhere there?

On the second wind yeah, looked like a grenade icon right at the last sec with an explosion. I can’t tell what got you at the end of video though

It would have had to have been like four or five grenades all detonating at the exact same time and what that was appears to be the Target icon for the guy that was bound by the net flickering when the Second Wind occurred. Though I am not certain what you are referring to exactly.

Where they fuck do people get the nerve to post a video / call it a hack / and make us respond to mindless shit posts like this. Is it a UFO? Is it not a UFO?


Make you respond? Lol. Also if that isn’t a hack then what is it? Oddly specific desync, a bug? Lag? By all means. I am open to suggestions of what this could be and made that clear lol.

And you are shit posting on a ‘shit post’ which, if not a hack, could contain a serious game breaking bug or glitch and you call me a shit poster? XD

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Its a virus!

YOU! Have a virus! YOu need to download virus prevention suffer.

The only virus here is you lol

Clearly hacking. I’ve never seen a bug or error that makes FT deal so much damage.
85% Predator hp and instantly in SW after a bullet.
50% Predator hp and instantly downed after 1 bullet.
I think it’s hacks but it’s my opinion after all.
This game is becoming more of a joke day after day.
I’m gonna lose my patience for it at one point.

Hey all. Watched the video and I am pretty certain that the OP is right. Im a PC gamer and play this on PC, and Im ok as both FT and Predator, and always cool when I get my ass handed to me. Im also pretty certain that there is no way you can be one shot straight into second windwith nearly 70-80% strength like what happend in this video. I mean, there’s good aim, then there’s this. Pretty sure there is no weapon that can do this to a Predator, no matter what class.


I’m sorry but that ps player at 2:45 emptying his whole mag at nothing and hitting like 2 shots because you swivelled infront of him has me dying. Everytime I watch these crossplay vids my heart says ps4 players need aim assist.

On topic he was desyncing like mad. You can tell at 5:20 when you were spectating. If he was running a macro he wouldn’t be netted to begin with.

He was desyncing ya think? That is a bit of an interesting thought. Also that is a pretty good point on the macro net deal. Hadn’t thought of that.

Also I might have been able to appreciate that moment there but I was kinda low key rattled and figured my only shot was to kill them as quick as possible if that guy was hacking. Also looking back at the video when I got second winded one of those fuckers was downed so I am pretty sure that poor fucker that got insta killed by me LITERALLY got downed by his own boys and explosive barrels or some shit like four times in a row. Disgusting.