I believe this interests players and developers

It’s called SBMM

And if your talking hacks it’s called anti cheat

There’s literally ranked modes that work

You have no basis in theory or practice

There’s simply no professional competition outside LAN tournaments, period.

Every other “ranked” mode is a joke ;)

and what about macros

Don’t do ranked playlists, do a trophy wall. Leveling isn’t content but challenges not only feed into the main gameplay loop but can be an avenue to gain rewards to entice players to come back and not split an already niche audience.

To further this I’d add prestige if we REALLY had to do something with leveling.

But in the event of a trophy wall you’d have a series of challenges the player can complete for a mixture of experience, currency, field lockers, or cosmetics. In doing so the player has more to do than just running dailies or going for trophies because the player needs something to chase. We need and want something to work towards.

For prestige if you really had to do it would be to reach level 150 but you have the option to start over. This locks classes and items until you return to that level but every time you prestige you unlock a new cosmetic. An idea is that this is how Master armors are unlocked where once you prestige players have a skin that flaunts that time spent.

Presitge 1 - Master armor
Prestige 2 - Master mask
Prestige 3 - Master shader
Prestige 4 - Cape accessory

You get the idea. You have something to chase which doesn’t split the player base.

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Prove your point, period.

Let’s take the pistol macro

Patch the pistol to have a maximum fire rate

Every macro that allows you to do things that you normally can’t can be patched out with changes like these.

That’s great…

How about forgetting this story after these new terrifying bugs. ?

Ranked in asymmetricals sucks like no other because its built around the team of 4 making mistakes and thats the only thing keeping the solo player in the match. The window of opportunity gets smaller and smaller the better the team of 4 is and once they’re playing like counter strike bots its a wrap.

does anyone actually enjoy DBD ranked aside from watching a number go up

is it worth sitting in queue dealing with discord meta premades every single match just to have a 1 by your name in a casual 4v1 game?
Every match whole game mechanics become WORTHLESS like melee in this game or skillchecks in DBD