So for a while now I’ve been posting cuttlefish as my reply and I dunno if people are mad or if there happy to see my cephalopod friend but tell me your reaction when you see my replies
I gotta say what do y’all think about my cuttlefish posts?
I like the replies! Cuttlefish are awesome and seeing pictures of them on the forum always brightens my day a bit!
It scares me.
They’ve been good so far, just mix it up with normal replies as you have been. Anyone who posts enough ends up being known for something, there are worse things than being the Cuttlefish guy.
Much prefer you posting cuttlefish memes than starting a meme account, we have our resident meme accounts, and the positions all filled. Michael, James, Mass, Thunder.
Thanks everyone glad to hear your thoughts
The Cuttlefish brings me much joy and reminds me life is a beautiful thing.
I like turtles
I’ve already told you how I feel about your little friend
Its fking creepy man… it stares directly into my soul man…
I like the Cuttlefish Posts, less off putting than say the James Cameron Meme that would make more sense in a Alien Game Fourm than a Predator Game Fourm, or the Turtle meme that’s only somewhat more successful in my eyes as the Doland Trump Meme which was only up for an day or so.
Thanks everyone for being honest And everyone have a good night
I enjoy this way more than the other meme posts
Also I’ll probably change the animal I have every months so I need suggestions
It’s the spawn of cthulhu
I like cthulhu