I had a dream last night.

I got up and fired up my PC. Didn’t even think twice about firing up my ps4. I got PHG on the ps4 too but come on. I log into PHG for the first time in almost 2 months which is true. I use valk against some of the best premade teams and go to war I mean real f’kn matches. I wake up and look at my sexy Lian Li and my heart remembers that this game has cheated the true preds in unholy unbalance. Buff Pred. Happy Thanksgiving!

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My guy if you’re dreaming about PHG than you’ve got bigger problems than the game being unbalanced.

& Happy Thanksgiving!!!


I had a dream my best friend and I started a full on duel with swords and whatever environmental things we found in a bed bath and beyond… we are no longer allowed in any of their stores according to the dream police.

Not gonna lie, it was intense.

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Not a dream. PC FT overtakes a PS pred anyday.

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Real matches are on pc vs pc x4. Brutal matches got long wait times…

You mean a clash all PC? yeah thats rare.never tried even so.

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Who’s lain li she sounds gorgeous

I dreamed about this new forum mod Kassi, do you think it’s a he or she? In my dream it was a woman with a cat head, almost like one of those Anubis/Horus guards from Stargate. And when i mentioned to my friends about Kassi they asked me if i had pictures of the moderator, but i didn’t, and then my friends left.

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She is most definitely a she, and as someone who does know what she looks like, I will attest, she does have a cat head.


The dream

The dream is real.


Add “forums” to the text, replace the FT faces with random avatars from here, and replace Freddy’s face with Kass’s. Perfect.

Also, add “Chuck Tingle” text at the bottom.