y de verdad que me encantaría cagar encima de la tumba de tus familiares muertos, después bailar y salpicar la mierda en el nombre de tus familiares muertos
I have a new purpose in this game now... Fantasma
The guy sounds like what I imagine an insult-droid in an r-rated Star Wars spoof would sound like!🤣🤣🤣
Que edad tu tiene?
Tus insultos son Bien debil lol.
If you’re gonna talk shit, be good at it.
Shitting on peoples graves making you happy literally just makes you look stupid and like you got mental problems.
Also talking dont work when you you’re talking about things the other person does not give a fuck about.
So learn to trash talk or stfu.
Besoin de glitch pour gagner vous êtes un salopard
I am learning so much Spanish right now guys, thanks XDDDD
Dźubku, przestań pierdolić i spotkaj się ze mną na prv… zobaczymy kto lepszy ;-)
OMG… I know what you are… you are Charlie Zelenoff… honestly, you have the same mental disorder as him. Man you need help, I’m not even joking right now. We all take a piss out of you, but you are seriously ill - you need to seek assistance, playing violent games will not help you one bit
We all need to get along.
But, if we can’t get along, then we may as well fight.
well said ;-) however after studding what this guy have said, I really believe that he has a mental disorder. Its the classic Charlie Zelenoff scenario
yo digo que tiene al menos 60… diria 80, pero no se como la artritis lo dejaria jugar…
estoy casi seguro que tiene el juego pirateado, pq tiene como 4 cuentas distintas en PC y ya me confirmaron que este juego esta pirateado y epic games no chequea si compraste el juego o no para jugar online
Nope not at all
Hacked as useing cheats? I’ve handed his ass to him at least 5 times now, he can’t be useing hacks. Legit avarage players kill me no problme with no hacks, and he was nevere even close :)
Mayby has the game illegaly? I know for a solid fact he has 2 PC accounts and one PS4
Good job
But that’s just it - I did not manage to do shit! Man, I’m still depressed about this nonsense XDDDDD
no, hacked as in the game is pirated and he’s using different epic accounts to play the same game even though he doesn’t own it in all accounts.
at least that’s what I think, unless he’s stupid enough to buy 4 licenses for the same game
He just might as well be that stupid XDDDDDD
Inb4 the next incoherent rambling spew of prostitutes, dogs, shit, and whatever fuckery he can come up with.
I love this thread so much I want to have sex with it