I Have No words

You’re in for a world of hurt clownyboi. You got punching bag written all over ya! And there will be no Happyface emoji coming. Thats just me saying it as it is. Nothing personal.

Clown…tsk.tsk…have not been very popular every in the last 4 decades.

Whatchu goin do cupcake. Spit mean words. I have no feelings. Only a painted red smile

Ohly, fucka moley

I drew this for you @MassImpact124

When your down, stare at a clown


Oh yeah, exactly how OldKingHamlet told us:

Damned be OldKingHamlet and his reverse psychology.


What problem?

People can do what they’d like with their money, some people want to support the devs. Good, pays off for everyone else in the long run.

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Oh no other people are doing things with their money like spending money on bundles for cosmetics. This cannot stand.

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sarcasm appreciated and amplified 10x!

I remember back in the day when people use to like to support giving money to studios for producing cool shit. Now people think they are some kind of devils mound for some evil cult.

Either that or we got clowns here who have nothing better to do than to antagonize us because they have a massive tumor growing on their testicles.

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Mostly I think it comes down to people not knowing how little money Dlc can bring in. A game our size, probably cuts it pretty close red. If the cost can’t be recouped then future content simply gets shelved.

Odds are some of the Dlc hasn’t paid for itself yet. This will hopefully make up the difference.

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DLCs rake in shit pennies. Im sure its not even enough to support one full time employee. God bless this business. I hope their investors find ways because a single DLC most certainly isn’t.

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What’s a penny?..
Joking, we don’t have them up here anymore so it’s kinda geographically specific.

No Dlc is good, it drives sale of copies of the game, which all adds up.

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Do you remember when comic books cost 2 bucks? Times this by 3 and it sure aint going to keep them afloat. Not with the expenses.

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Okay give me twenty bucks

What do you get? Oh nothing but if you can’t spend the twenty bucks you need to reavaluate how you spend money

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I don’t think anyone is complaining about the price point unless we have a troll here. I think we can bank on that.
But in terms of the prosperity of their company based on DLCs alone, its no secret, thats not their bread and butter.
ITs probably their tactical in keeping the interest. Not just from costumers but from prospective investors/ employees.
They will want to be remain desirable and attractive. A place where they put marketplace and market research as valued intelligence.

Actually the devs from their mouths suggested we wait since we could get it for VT lol

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Man, when you guys sometimes derail threads but not spin it too far off, it’s actually kinda a thing of beauty.

So, I’ve only heard part of the story on how the masks were bundled, but the reasoning told to me sounded like it came from a good place. And they’re early access, for just a little bit. Unless you MUST have them NOW, they’ll be free. Personally I’m a penny pincher so I wouldn’t begrudge anyone to wait and get them for free.


Pay2win MMOs and triple A games using lootboxes that were traditionally only used in f2p games made people adverse to supporting anything ever they just feel they’re owed stuff.
Kickstarters remedied it for a bit but kickstarter scams kind of killed that goodwill too.

People don’t have much faith in projects anymore unless there’s a streamer or youtuber hyping it up for them.

Lol you sad you don’t have 20 bucks bud.