I hope to do every matching host is predator side.

Thank you for your support.

I love predator hunting grounds.

I play everyday.

I have one request.

I want you to be every Matching Host is Predator side.

Because the ping is high ,
I can’t use smart disc.

That’s why Me and Friends play private match is Predator
side is Host.

Please adjust this enviroment.

Disk, bow, combistick for throws, plasma Pistol, even the Caster is affected by ping but at least It has decent Splash dmg. With high ping pred is Just playing handicapped vs opponents with Op hitscan weapons that can still hit their target even with 300-400 ping when you know how to aim.

And the bastards still whine about why the Predator is using plasma with high ping. Yes I Will fucking deepthroat you all with plasma when my ping is high.

Honestly, I keep on using the bow even with high ping. Granted my highest ping is 124 when I’m in a lobby that gives me a high ping and I still go bow.
Though I can understand your point about it. In a few streams that I saw you hunt as Predator, you were a few times at 200-300 ping.