I need a consensus on this please :-)

Oh… I see… good day then.

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Reinforcements are a privilege. You’re not guaranteed safety upon respawn, and shouldn’t be. You’re given a clean slate full of gear and if trapped, all you gotta do is look down for around 3-4 seconds. It’s very rare that trapping a radio yields a full team wipe. Sure you might get a couple unfortunate players down in the chaos… but this is part of what it takes to win as a predator sometimes, and no one should be discouraged from being that shitty.

Tl;Dr: Up the competition.


Yup. Anyone with a headset will hear them mile away. I’d like them to be more silent, honestly.

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I disagree, I’ve watched predators win without doing questionable things like that. Over and over. There are some truly good predators out there.

Everything should be more quiet. I’ve never understood the “thump thump thump” predator walking. No skilled hunter makes noise like that, regardless of body weight…

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Honestly I’d understand if you’re actually on top of the roof FT is currently under, sure. But hearing them stomp a good several meters away is a severe disadvantage.

Also, yes, lots of players can win without trapping radio, I’m just saying it’s a feasible tactic against any decent FT. If you ain’t first you last nahsayn?

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The goal is to win. So win. No one would call Larry Bird a douche for shooting 3 pointers, or Patrick Ewing for blocking shots. That’s the job. And winning is yours.

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This discussion becomes moot when the FT player has more than one IQ point. Just shoot the fucking traps.


do you think it’s unfair for a predator to let out a fully charged plasma shot right at spawn to deal 100 damage to all 3 people instantly?

cause you know predators can do that too and most of the time it’s more useful than laying 3 traps


Guess it all depends on who you’re playing against. But my short answer is that it’s both :)

If you followed them to the reinforcement. And you threw traps and the said FT player Didnt break them then thats on their head for the easy triple down maybe even a quad if you are lucky!!!

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It’s not really douche or elite.
It’s just a common sense type thing.
Sure it can be annoying, but it’s like trapping a pred or killing a pred while they eat a pig.
Same thing.

Theres too many double standards here.


kinda annoying but hey they already died. probably should add a cooldown

Its a douche move. There is nothing that player can do do avoid it. Absolutely nothing. Pred in second wind and jump, break line of sight, find a good spot and heal. Pred didn’t check the area before eating a pig. All these double standard, flip the script points aren’t.

Sure, all the pred can do in second wind is run away, out of UAV range and frag throwing. Sure, all the pred can do is not eat a pig in dangerous territory. But the FT reinforcing? All he can do is hope for competency or spawn in unable to move and get downed.

Douche move.
Also, placing traps on top of FT it’s another move that don’t require skills…
But since the game doesn’t offer many choices for the Pred and bear traps are pretty much useless, i guess it’s acceptable.

Do whatever you want to win, if people don’t like it… tough.

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I’ll remember the toxic players and drop my whole team out every time id I see them again.

Let them play against the bots. No need to play against players that aren’t fun and fair to play with.

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