Me and my brother player 10 games and lost one game. We both used LMGs and completely shredded them on our own without the assistance of the 2 other players. This would normally last about 5 to 7 minutes using recon class. I will say most of these predators would just jump in and attack one of us thinking to kill us within seconds. We would drop him into second wind with no problem and chase him down and eventually kill him. The last game of the night was the best and almost lasted the whole time. Hit and run tactics from the predator dropping in and downing a player before jumping away not before we hit back hard. My point is that we need A. longer matches so the predator doesnt feel pressured into conflict the whole game. B. Give the predator something to do while they wait whether that be mini game or the ability to explore the map killing V.I.Ps before the real prey arrives. C. Make the predator player feel like they aren’t wasting time waiting 10 minutes die in 5 to 7 that would frustrate anyone. Lastly D. reduce movement speed for fireteam we were chasin him down with our knives out no issues.
I now understand pred players frustrations
Shhh we have to pretend this accurate pocket minigun with no spin up or speed reduction is balanced
Nah totally fine fair and balanced like fox
Longer matches I can support. At least when reinforced.
more objectives and longer match times will help que times. If we up the match times less predators in que
And less fireteam. That will make the queue times stay exactly the same actually. But i’d also like longer matches, that would at least make the ~8 minutes queue less noticable. We also need some more gadgets for predator and also the fireteam offering different mechanics and playstyles, not only new weapons wich happen to be reskins with new animations and sounds.
James Cameron was planning on playing as FT today but changed his mind. James Cameron thought that since the game was 4v1 he could play solo against 4 predators. This may have been a mild challenge since he was going to play only with the pistol but this was not possible as he could only fight one predator.
The predator dying 3 to 5 minutes and requeing. In a longer match environment they can take there time instead of rushing in and expecting to kill everyone die and reque in seconds putting them back in the que while the fireteam is still stuck in that lobby
If they rush and try to kill us within the first few minutes they deserve to die. I like the idea of adding more time when the reinforcements are called but that should come with a extra side mission so they can’t just reinforce and run for the chopper. Our fireteam only lost 2 times out of like 15 games cuz the predators all rush and stay in the middle of us trying so hard for one down. Pick your battles and pick your claims wisely.
I agree with this. People need to learn they cant just jump in kill claim and think they can leave. Need to slow fireteam and extend time that’s my opinion
The should add the diffuse mini game as a option for the waiting queue for predator. Think that would be cool. Or like you said let him spawn in the map and once the fireteam loads in, it resets the game to the beginning or it lets predator know chopper is incoming but doesn’t reveal location and then the timer can start. Not sure if that can be done but would help kill time as predator. I don’t mind the wait cuz it’s 3-10 minutes for me and I can get a lot of stuff done while i wait.
The game is agonizing. Nothing will save it. Especially with such “balance” where 2 FT players can kill the full hp Pred.
2 FT players would get butchered if the predator is good. I’ve seen predators melee 3 people from full to 0 so both sides can make such statemants.
That’s not the question of “goodness”. You can also make a 4vs1 mode in CoD or CS:GO and “if the solo player is good, he can still kill 2, 3 or even 4 another players”. But it is not “balance”, it’s just the question of personal skill. In 4v1 games 1 or 2 should not be able to kill The One if he’s not afking. Otherwise… what can you do against 4 good players in premade with voice? Leave?
Of course they should. People like you just want to dominate people with no skill needed. If you are as good as them YOU WILL WIN, if not, YOU LOSE. That is how it should be.
In 1v1 games, yes. In 4v1 - no. Read the example above. Moreover, the goal of Fireteam - not to “kill the Predator” solo or in 2 faces, but to SURVIVE and escape. Good luck, have fun with your veiw on “balance” in almost dead game. Guess it will die this year. Completely.
What you’re saying is like if the predator just sit there and does nothing with 1 guy shooting then he should still win because all 4 should shoot at him.
2 players are 50% of the team, if they can overcome with SKILL then its valid. This is not a game where 4 people need to shoot at the same time to damage something.
The goal of the game is complete mission and evac or KILL THE PREDATOR and DISARM to win. Those are the 2 conditions that the FT has to win.
PS. If we go by your logic the moment the predator kills 1 person the 3 should just leave. If you don’t have 4, the predator becomes invulnerable right?
Nope. My logic is that if you let Predator to kill (and claim) 1 or 2 persons you still have reinforcement. If you let the Pred kill 1-2 of your teammates and haven’t damaged him heavily during this accident, if you have no more reinforcements and you’re still 2 - yes, you can’t win by killing the Predator, only by hiding and escaping.
P.S. We still have almost 0 opportunities to split the FT. What is more, even if they split (by chance or because of someone’s dumbness), they still kill the Pred in 2 faces. It’s ridiculous.
P.P.S. It’s not the “Predator Hunting Grounds”. It’s a “group of hunters get their fun hunting on one bit dangerous animal”. Like hunting on a tiger or bear.
If 1 person is dead that means you can’t reinforce bud since the predator can’t be killed by 3 people.
Its irrelevant what its called. If you want people to que FT then you can’t turn them into fodder for the predator as you want.
I will leave you with a video:
Do you think those people need more nerfs? He was not killing them fast enough right? How dare they even scratch him!
Thats some high end pc bow gameplay. Hard to compare that to the average pred player.