I really do wanna know.

Why they decided people who have won the ps4 version have to buy the ps5 upgrade.

It just doesn’t seem to make sense to me.

For anyone who thinks I’m saying by that because I can’t afford it I could get it right now but it seems dumb to buy an upgrade for 15$

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Yes same problem

I’m not understanding the $15 and $20 versions at all smh…

I still can’t buy the $15 version on PS store. “Not available for purchase”.

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Yea I don’t either. What I’m probably gonna do is just get money from PlayStation stars and somewhere else.

I’m not spending my own money on it.

I’m not suprised, they left their deal with Sony so they need money to fund the development of this game by themselves, I’m still going to buy it to see if they can turn this game around

I’m not giving them any of my money I earned but I will give them money that I get not out of my wallet. If it was a 5-10 doller upgrade then sure but 15? That’s only a 5 dollar discount. I don’t think it’s worth it

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Because if you don’t I will find you and at the survivor series I will style and profile all over you

I mean go ahead I’m not gonna buy it with my own money. If it was between 5-10 dollars then yea I would of gotten it not 15