I’m sorry I disagree. In my opinion even bad Preds win against random PUG FT’s more often then not. The disparity comes when a competent or even good Pred goes against a FT that’s mildly coordinated and on Comm’s. When the FT work together they’re so powerful as a group that a Pred has to be in most cases of higher skill then all of them to win. At least that is my opinion based on my experience. If I even have one friend play with me on FT it greatly increases my odds of winning despite PUGing the other 2 FT.
As for the Pred ques again I humbly disagree. I believe the Pred que go up as FT players leave the game. Making it harder for the que to fill the lobby because you need 4 FT for every Pred. So less FT playing means longer wait times for Pred. And I believe the FT are leaving because the majority of the player base are FT’s who PUG and so they lose more often then win. And who wants to play a game where even if you’re a mildly skilled player your team can cause you to fairly consistently lose. While if what I believe I’ve seen most Preds here post, they win the majority of their games but feel inadequate when facing an organised team due to the power gap at high level gameplay. So while they are bothered and rightly so they are more likely to stay and the Pred ques would seem to support that. Because if Preds where leaving as fast as FT players the ques would stay reasonable for both. As their numbers would stay in closer relation to one another.
I do disagree on the game being close to dying as well. I think it’s still doing okay not great but okay despite the glitches and game play but if it continues I do believe the game will slowly lose the majority of it’s playerbase. As what I believe is keeping it going now is die hard fans and players looking for a new game to play. Eventually PHG will lose it’s luster as other new games come out and then only the die hard fans will be left.
Again these are just my opinions and the logic I use in coming to those opinions. I’m not asserting what I’m saying as definite.