Idea and opportunity for Illfonic to be more than just a Video Game studio.

Lol people already directly rip models for 3D printing then post them to public stock sites for sale. Why would they go to lengths to make a plugin on an open access engine, negotiate with a toy company, negotiate with the patent holder, negotiate with the publisher - when they could just strike another controlled Alpha toy deal with NECA.

You are jumping through a million hoops to shill 3D printing when it never took off because no company wanted to jump into that legal cesspit when those stock sites are getting sued on the regular.
oh no no no yet Disney’s releasing their own NFTs.

Illfonic should mint us Predator nfts and cosmetics instead.
More long term applicability. Another Steam Market, the horror.


Art was never alive based on whatever arbitrary line you just drew there. Whether or not you think a peice a horse drew with a paintbrush is worth $10000 or not is entirely subjective because collecting is entirely artificial value to begin with. It comes down to the scam artist pedalling it.

you counterfiet items at a snails pace and pretend its a save-the-earth hobby and I leave my computer on growing animal meme coins instead of playing stocks and directly funding someone’s yacht.

clearly we are the same famalam.

If anti-crypto flowerchildren really cared about the environment they’d be out there picketing in support of nuclear energy instead of buying the same graphics cards China and India are using to mass mine.

You don’t need to prove more you are out of loop and live on Mars instead of Earth. Is OK, buddy, you tried. Not gonna even dig into that as is pointless with you.

Back to the 15 hour Netflix binge with you. Maybe there’s someone outside who owns a pickup truck while you’re at it.

Pleb closing statement. What other tricks do you know?

PS: come back to discussions about art when you manage to at least have something like a bachelor’s in fine arts, especially traditional arts, as well as history of art, study in philosophy and aesthetics (and optionally heavy loads of exact science to be able to understand the process, craftsmanship and evaluation of art itself).

👆 And with that said, you managed to probably learn something today, past your NFTs and bitcoin abomination and nonsense.

My deepest condolensces you wasted all that time on a worthless art degree. Maybe Starbucks you’re working at will let you design their next logo.

Now I understand why you are like this.

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I enjoy reading your arguments with people, because I firmly believe you are the most intelligent one here, by far.

The most stupidest, most ignorant and misleading concept about art in the first place. Remember, that without arts (sciences included) you would still wipe your ass with leaves today and live in a cave or a banana tree. But don’t let me stop you into supporting idiotic practices like NFTs or bitcoin. Have fun trading them in obscure places and messing around in your internet world.

Other than assuming as a sport and talking out of your ass, what else do you practice? Nobody said anything about having a degree in or only in arts here.

Ignorance at its best. How does it feel to be null in the discussion?

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Some role model you picked up, and in the most adequate place. (a damn forum)

This is beyond hilarious and ridicule.


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Many prominent (and high-earning) figures in the games industry have arts degrees. It’s not about the degree. It’s how you use it! :)

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They definitely aren’t working for Illfonic.

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Hang on check this out

Not only in the gaming industry. Actually Design as a whole, be it Industrial Design, graphic Design, any type of designs and decorative and fine arts are used in improving everyday life and making humanity better since…ever.

From the toilet you sit on, to the car you drive. Everything is part of arts, design, engineering…sciences.

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Clearly you know nothing about art. Look how cute it is.
I have a masters in OT btw.

Look at this little guy.
I shall call him Ferdigian. Slayer of the environment and destroyer of worlds.
His game launches april 1st by one of the dogecoin devs :3
There are like 300 left mint while you can famalam. I’ll even pay for your gas.

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So, uh normally I would have to try to troll or make some jokes, but apparently today the jokes are fucking writing themselves for me.

So what that boils down to is thank people with useless art degrees for engineer’s work???

You clearly understand as much about context as a 2 year old about advanced quantum mechanics. Art degrees are talking about artistic and decorative art in this context, not referring to degrees such as engineering, which you should actually be thanking for making sure you aren’t wiping with leaves.

Haha looks nice to my brain doesn’t progress society since ever. Engineering, innovation, and necessity are what have progressed us from sitting in a cave to where we are now. And you’re a damn fool if you think it’s the artistic decorations that have done that

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I’ve heard that before from girls. I know that’s not true at all :’(


Looks to me you pretty much haven’t spent a single minute with a person that has a doctor’s degree in industrial design, knows shit load of things about everything that means design (plus architecture) as well as technology behind it that literally works and discusses plans of design and technological implementation with every department when it comes to tech industry, automotive and not only these and can even be able to talk to ignorants like you around here about shit you say.

But yah brah, we’re on the internet, everybody’s an expert.

Just going to point out how far you’ve devolved from your original point about all this, and again you can’t seem to grasp context. I’m not talking about architecture, construction, or automotive assembly. That is an entirely different side of “the arts” that you like to group into this conversation. The context here is that art degrees would be in things like photography, exposure, graphic design, aesthetics etc, and how those can be related to the gaming industry.

“ But yah brah, we’re on the internet, everybody’s an expert.”
Yaaaaaaaay I’m smart for once!

Because of all of this, I can clearly gather that you have not heard the pop yet.

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Industrial design is part still (even if is becoming something separate along the years) of decorative arts. Architecture as well has grown separate. But when you take arts in an ignorant view like he did here or people usually take it, I doubt you have any idea of what you or folks around here talk about.

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