Idea for getting Trophies from long claiming FT

A lot of people want the flintlock
My friend has it but I don’t

Why we nerfing preds

Ideally you’d try to save that player for last
Unless everyone has a trophy 😂

Ok Spongbob Squarehead, so to clarify what it means to spend over 100,thousand V on Field lockers to get the stupid flink lock trophy, lets try to remember that we are NOT ALL Predator mains stupid as fuck, and that we do actually play as fucking FT members.

So with that said, no , i’m not expressing to nerf the Pred Long Claim, but since we spent all that good good V on feild lockers to get that stupid trophy, we can at least use it as a cosmetic on our Pred Loadout, and as a booty claim on our chosen FT loadout. so that it at least is equitable on both sides of the spectrum.

That said, i think with all that good good V spent on getting that fucking trophy that its NOT just a fucking hood ornament.hhm?
And so if it prolongs the fucking Long Claim for other preds to get…YET AGAIN…LET ME EXPLAIN THAT IT COST ALOT OF V to BUY FUCKING FIELD LOCKERS!

I hope all my CAPS explained it well. Otherwise if you dont get it , you’re a fucking idiot!
and let me add this animated gif so you’re not pissed drunk reading it and not getting it.

and let me add fuel to the @Fire because that pisses him off.

But why do we need to double the claim length…

I agree but its not inherent in any way to the idea. Everything you said was in defense of everything I was fine with.

Because…to make it hard to do! why else? I mean its already hard to do long claims…how bout making it doubly hard to do the long claim to get that trophy? Same animation, you just get the vanity trophy instead of a skull (if that matters). So its like maybe there might be extra punches to the animation to make it longer.

And by hard to do, i mean like it might be worth dying for because you might have FT melting at the moment.

Think about it, youll spend a month trying to get some wierld artifact trophy like Nuncha kas. Are you going to arm yourself with these spoils just to have a predator come at you and do the normal routine to get it? NO! You want your FT to at least make it difficult for him to do!

And all the while you have Nunchakas hanging out of your pocket all sparkly and shit going 'look at me and what I got!".Dont i look fancy having Nunchuckas hanging out of my pants crack!


So in other words your going to make preds go potato for trophies.

I don’t like that idea

Well ya since thats what I would of have to have done to get it in the first place.

What part is this? —i dont get it.

Im saying it’d be fair since we both went through the exact same thing to get a trophy

no man…you…no! The Vanity trophy! You know hard it is to get right now- from field lockers? Its nearly impossible!
I mean im sure its possible if you spent at least 1 million V…but few do!

See if you think of it like you’re going to pimp yourself on the forums and say hey boys come add me to your PSN or Epic list and come and it (while wearing short shorts) ,thats not the point!

I mean that can happen. But at least you’re giving them an extra few seconds of “oh shit” I’m claiming the dude for the trophy moment and i might die while doing it- makes it more worth while.

Its all semantics, i don’t know. Whatever, but the concept is there.

I still don’t even have a trophy yet it gives me anything else but them

Yeah it sucks opening over 300 field lockers in one go and still getting nothing but duplicates

I’ve spent close 1.5 mil on field lockers and still nada

I’ve been spending since launch and only have 1 mythical trophy to show for it

That’s terrible I feel for you man

It could be worse. I could have no trophies or animal skulls

I also would like to suggest 60 new trophies. There is already a small list of wearable predator trophies but i would like them to toss in a whole lot more .

Hopefully we can get them more easily then how we get Mythical Trophies

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From a list i found i believe there are 14 am i wrong? because that list looks slim. At any point they do anything worth playing for, they would at least need 30-50.

Yeah I really hope we get more
Hopefully we can get some skulls both human and non-human like in Concert Jungle

I’d love a trophy wall