Idée Dutch 1987 custom illfonic

No. Noooooo.


…yep…at this point why bother. Let’em go

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Hey to be fair though I like the idea of giving Dutch more outfits like the elite outfits we have for the core classes. Would be better than charging us for a third, fourth, fifth Dutch etc. Too bad your history on this forum is uh…yeah. Means when you make a decent suggestion like this it gets swept under the rug by everyone. Then again illfonic seem to be sweeping every suggestion under the rug everyone gives them so eh 🤷‍♂️

oui cela est possible sur le même personnage comme les personnages de base voilà pourquoi je voudrais plusieurs custom comme dans le film

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@Derangedxeno_02 @GreyBack read the mans post, he wants new Arnold outfits

@Le-mentalist77 I support your idea and I think it would be great. Sadly illfonic doesn’t listen to us very much, sooo probably not gonna happen. I wish it would though

Oui c’est vrai mais le but et de ne pas polluer mes topics là c’est bien vous parlez du sujet et seriez enthousiaste de voir plusieurs customs de notre dutch préféré ce qui ferait que illfonic nous écouterais + merci

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It’s technically not JH87 post, he just wants more outfits for Dutch87


… I’ll allow it…

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I know. I mentioned that in my second comment. I was just joking about how he always posts JH87 threads.

Didn’t see it

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Your welcome.

I’m glad we can see the same picture this time around.

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D’accord mais n’empêcher pas les gens d’avoir ce que vous savez je n’en ferais pas mention mais svp respectez que certains le veulent merci et pensez vous que Isabelle prévue pour février aura plusieurs customs ou une seule tout comme dutch sur ses 2 skins ?

Knowing illfonic probably just one outfit

IllFonic would likely make one more Dutch 87 outfit, and it would probably be a level 150 elite option. I would also like to see a level 150 elite outfit for OWLF Operative and Dutch 2025.

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Dude, shut up! You keep asking for shit that’s never gonna be in the game

Cela serait tellement dommage elle est tellement belle et style

Moi aussi j’aimerais aussi que les tenues soit débloquables et pourquoi pas rajouter des niveaux jusqu’à 200 250

Chuck calm down, read is damn post before you respond