IF we only got jungle maps how can....

As far as a Hawaii jungle goes, My pred needs a Pina colada, a Hawaiian t-shirt, and a lai or else I’m going to be severely disappointed.


fuck, you smart … roll through the snow to hypothermia, you’re a survivor (sarcasm). you also roll the tracks to lower their temperature

Why not an overgrown ancient city in a jungle, we could have ancient ruins, pyramids, and a little village.


I’m sure FT would be wearing long undies and nice, snuggly snow suits to keep the snow out. No hypo for them!

What a stupidity, then there is no use rolling on the floor. another great idea …

FT could do this! Eh? EEHH?!?! Disguised as snowmen!! this-snowman-is-coming-to-get-ya

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That chick that watched her squad get whipped out. That shit was AI Sauce. That stealthy attack and just chaose is why predator is awesome. This game needs more fear in it involving the predator i think if predator could grab or like grab your gun and stun you for a sec it would add to that fear but he’d just get melted doing it so im not sure. I love Predator comics got anymore you recommend? I got all the bad bloods ones and a few batman vs predators and i got another one in the cold but like the single paper backs put side by side make a big picture not sure which line it is… and then i think i got another few but thats it. Sorry for long reply just love comics.

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Another great idea

AVP comics to check out

Life and death

Fire and stone

Tells the story of the most OP pred in existence, Ahab.

Also Aliens vs Predator vs Judge Dredd


Alien vs Predator vs The Terminator would actually make a better movie than a comic. But then that would put Terminators in the Marvel universe today lol. Marvel already has Ultron.

As far as another possible map idea I think a giant predator ship called “Ark Magnus/Magnum” would be interesting FT job would be to simply investigate and eventually determine an alien queen caused it to crash in the jungle and the queen of course has escaped to a nearby cave or mountains.

The predator must recover a wrist comp and destroy the ship so humans can not have it.

Predator vs Terminator game would be the coolest

Interesting indeed

John Connor is grown up and a member of the same unit Dutch was

The Terminator was modeled after Dutch

Skynet sends a Terminator while Connor is on a mission is Bolivia

A predator just so happens to be hunting that day

Imagining a Predator in the future war got me like 🤯

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That could work. Before Judgement day part of Johns training came from Dutch. Would make an interesting short film or fan film/miniseries.

Imagine a predinator

I can see the terminators making a model that uses predator technology but a predator with metal skeleton would be lame imo

James Cameron plays as Predinator sometimes. The Termixeno is great too.


Be sure to tell me that when Ioad in as the Predinator and literally turn you inside out.

As Danny said to the Willie. “Whatre u talkin about?”