If you don't have a weapon, make it visible.

Military bayonet, Assault Rifle, Sniper rifle, Light Machine Gun, Grenade launcher, Shotgun, Submachine Gun, Minigun, when not using weapons like Battlegrounds, let them be mounted on their backs or sides to show.
Make it visible when you don’t use it like a pistol.
Do the same with the Predator weapon.

군용대검, 돌격소총, 저격총, 경기관총, 유탄발사기, 산탄총, 기관단총, 미니건을 배틀그라운드처럼 무기를 사용 안 할 때 등이나 옆구리에 장착해서 보이게 해주십시오.
권총처럼 사용 안 할 때 눈에 보이게 해주십시오.
프레데터 무기도 똑같이 해주십시오.


Bet that would cause some hilarious bugs

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The reason this doesn’t happen on Predator is likely for animation reasons as well as the model itself. City Hunter was the exception because the Netgun is designed the way it is because its meant to be mounted on City Hunter’s boot. The smart disk is also visible on City Hunter while holstered and it has it’s own holster to begin with. The wrist launcher is also within City Hunter’s gauntlet so it has to be visible as well. The only exception was the spear since it’s drawn differently to how City Hunter carried it.

The only one that currently does this outside City Hunter is Viking which has the Wrist Launcher visible when equipped though the animation for its activation doesn’t play (or isn’t visible) due to the Viking’s wrist computer plate still being on top.

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