I'll ignore him

They lit him up with around 7 spots in about 3 seconds , the only point in the video i would question was when he leaped away into the distance there was a spot marked just at him , but it was hard to tell if anybody actually had a direct line of sight on him

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I still want a story.

You’ll get nothing and you’ll like it!

“And now to ollie, ollie?”

“They reported!!!”

“Thanks ollie”



That’s a report not a story.

But I want iiiiit

You get the jist

You’re a jist.

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I know 😌

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Ya that’s what I needed to know

@SempronAMD getting reported is not a issue dude.

If you didn’t cheat then don’t worry about it

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All I see in this thread are 2nd world pc players who have no lives and never come out of there homes. They are a burden on their parents and society. They would be better off just putting down the mouse and trying to make thwre country a better place

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So I take it your just angry at Fair cause he lives in a country that is free unlike yours and the only way you can have any sort of freedom is to belittle other active players

Pc players on this forum are huge children with huge egos and timy little peckers.

Also we all know pc players auch at any other game then fps. Get gud at real games that take a real strategy to win you limo dick losers

Jesus , did somebody piss in your pool today? 😁


What? Nah Lents over I gave up being an asshole on the internet for lent, but its over now so its TIME

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Considering our interaction I think you failed lent :p

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Our Interaction was after Lent. By almost 3 days

Oh my God who fucking cares

Fairy-autja has a hard time in a game with PC players, so reports them for cheating?


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This shouldn’t even be in feedback lol

Put this thread in off topic or something else besides feedback or bug reports ._.