Illfonic and the porn

Well stuff like that isnt even porn.
Suggestive poses ain’t porn.

No if there were nipples or full blown sex then sure lol.

Some people have a very broad definition of porn, mine’s subjective. The stuff what’s his face was posting was porn, none of the Pred/Xeno drawings I can think of have been. Even the one with nipples, they’re just nipples on a human dressed like a Predator, she was in context that made it fine.

I’m no terrorist, but give me the Ban Hammer and I might just accidently ban everyone who says any bad words. Because i hate shit. Fcuk. or mispell the word fuck!

But i agree. lets not put any ideas into the heads of these twerps, they might go even further with some grizzly images of god knows what and i personally will ban them, then unban them, then ban them again. So there is a prooblem with that. and here comes Courier.


  • We are a small team and we try to help everyone have a good work-life balance, so coverage isn’t 24/7
  • Forum and server populations are increasing, and with them the trolls. We are looking into ways that would help us control this.
  • Courier tends to keep things clean this weekend, but he wasn’t able to. I cleaned up as soon as I got in this morning, and will continue to clean. If there’s any more porn on here, please report it so it shows up in the mod queue
  • We usually give people chances to behave better. Banning is actually super rare, but does happen, and usually for what everyone can agree as doing stupid shit.

How? and who. and could you at least respond to a forum idea i had? The idea to divide the bug reports in to platform specific folders. ie (Bug Reports for PC, Bug Reports for PS4,base,PS5,etc.) This would alleviate the clutter because different platforms encounter different issues.
The forum is just cluttered. People are forced to read important issues with the game, and the issues don’t even cross each other. Its like we have PS players responding to issues that PC players have and vice verse, and its an utter mess of confusion.
And i don’t ANY response like that helps.
and for the most part, people who don’t understand HOW to report bugs properly, will get into the habit of looking which bug folder they posted to.

Meh that’s lame. Lol

Bro , we are here to sustain their game , to view yourself as anything more is not accurate, they have their ideas and this much is clear . Or this game would be a different story

Dude, you dont understand the term ‘bug report’. Its not a popularity contest for god sakes! If we didnt do it properly you might as well rename Bug Report to Life issues. Nobody on the PC side undestands shit of whats happenning on a PS console! Those two things are two fucking different hardwares.

They are worlds apart! PS Base console vs PC hardware… makes a huge difference. son.

What are you on about popularity?

My question is how do we report it, we don’t have a report button and it would help to give some higher trusted users the ability to report or something of the sort, Forums been getting really chaotic as of late.

And the name that shall not be spoken, but has made 15 different accounts why hasn’t he actually been banned instead of continually suspended? Like that point definitely just needs a perma ban

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Yeah! Because those sons of bitches with PS Base console issues are posting it like they need to be heard. Like its an issue faced by PCs as well. They might as well waste every quality assurance checker that its on every thing so check everything and everyone is experiencing it wasting evveryones time.

Son? 😄 only one person called me that and it sure wasn’t you buddy

Honestly the only person I trust with reporting is me and few others.
Theres too many people, who would report things they find annoying.

Too many ppl are too emotional and have a warped perception.
A few can be reasoned with, but not enough of them.

I dont think people on this forum understand how to go about reporting a bug. They just do it. 95 percent of the time, we need ask, “what the fuck are you playing on” and when the answer comes back like 50% of people are leaving the conversation because it doesnt relate to their platform.

Other forums have this, but it really isnt that bad.
It’s not as confusing and you say lol.

Good point , dad 👍🏻🙄

Bro Fire, if there are 100 posts to read in the bug report, and you only needed to read 2 related to your own platform. Well that says alot about time wasted and how disgruntled you might feel if you were generally needing to know about bugs in this game. I mean, that would explain how simple it would be and how much more pleasant the forum experience might be had we had specific folders for specific things…especially for BUGS! Jeezus we have 3 freaken folders. Other forums have like subgroups, and genres, and politics, and others stuff.

OK, everyone dial it back a notch. You’re all bickering literally in front of a mod right now -_-

Forum layout improvements is on the list of things for Courier, he just has other, more important things to work on right now. BUT the singular bug reports does make it easier for QA to get what it needs more quickly, so it is a double edged sword with how to manage them.

To report, you should have that option under the triple dot menu on each post, iirc. It’s been way too long since I looked at the standard user UI of this forum.

Now let’s stop the bickering cause it is literally pointless.


I’m not against it.
I just dont think it’s as bad as you make it seem.