Illfonic and the porn


Listen bro Fire, we come from different levels of time management. SOme of us really don’t need to spend time here. Just thank god we are loony pogs and somehow this lightens the mood.

Thing is you’d be too lax. And literally half the forums would be like I only trust myself to do it.

Thing is everyone has different opinions and moral values and you need a diversity, not just one particular group with the same ideas and perceptions.

The other would be just a report, not a delete, not a ban, not even a suspension. Courier and OKH make final decisions of it should warrant deleting, locking, banning, suspension.

P.S. I wouldn’t trust you because you get way too emotional on the forums and start telling people fuck you and few times have gotten into all out cussing matches whether you started it or not. You struggle keeping yourself in check when someone says something that pisses you off. As do I.

Not trying to Bicker, but just civically pointing this out. I am on here daily and read anywhere from 500-2000 posts a day and if I am not on one day catch up the following day on all the new, unread, and so on threads. And it is a common occurrence with you.

Go to topic controls at the bottom of the page and hit flag

Oh, Flag finally shows up again. Where it didnt for the longest time.


I see it

My thing is now what about individual comments not under a thread that ends up turning into a 300-500 post thread? Yes, we can report the thread itself, but now Courier and OKH have to read through each individual one to find it and take way more time to find it

No I only do that when people decide to start shit.
Difference is my way of speaking is direct.
Unlike a lot of people who love to get ignorant but talk shit indirectly.

But even those ppl who I get into it with, most of them we end up calming down and settling things peacefully.

Theres only like 5 or 10 ppl on here who have actual problems with me, but those people have a pretty warped perception.

If you dont believe me, go look at who I’ve gotten into it with on here.
Youl notice I dont start shit.

As for being too lax, that’s not really the case.
Like I said, I just actually believe in freedom of speech, unlike quite a few ppl.

But it’s not Just me tho, I only trust a few ppl who I Know are chill and not too sensitive or Sjw.

Theres nothing to bicker about imo.
Everything I’ve said is true, those who dont believe me can go read my post history lol.

I don’t start shit lol.
I hate arguing.

OK, putting this thread on timeout for a bit. Discussion is good, but we are going in a bad direction here and I don’t care who started it.

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This topic was automatically opened after 48 minutes.


I was a bit of a dick lastnight, sorry buddy wasn’t meaning to be

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Was the option to report comments (not posts) removed? I remember it being there in the beta