Illfonic I beg you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly man, community must make a stand and demand for this weapon to be left alone!

Community is full of whiners 😅 Can you use the sword on other pred classes?

I waited about 45min got into a match with 1 FT member 🤦‍♂️ I didn’t kill them, just fucked around with NPCs.

How can I sit there wait 14min to load, then get an empty lobby and only 1 FT arrives before match start!?


Yes! Its basically a new weapon you can choose and customize. Once equiped on your pred it magically gives him kenjutsu kwnolage… like master level. Its very well animated, has combos, power attacks and awsome stealth kill. Dose moderate damge, but its so fast!

I feel you bro… got the same problem

😧 wo

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Iam with you

Leave the sword alone Devs. I want an OP weapon for the Predator. Fireteam has those damn sniper rifles we have the katana blade. Don’t ruin this one for us Predator players!!!


Enjoy as you can.
The nerf to the ground comes as fast as the new OP equip on the paid DLC.

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