IllFonic IS THIS IS OKAY? PHG "Balance" in a Nutshell - video from both perspectives

Support , Assault and Dutch 87 are the best classes by far now. Of course in pubs you can play everything because fireteam is so easy. Missions are a joke, the damage is insane even without Bane or Deadly. When I play fireteam I feel my self completely relaxed, I al not afraid of anyone anymore after 2.0. When I play Pred (not now because I dont even play now because of bugs, private loadout reset and broken balance) I have to play perfectly, I have to hit any shots , always do the best thing at the proper moment. And sometimes, even if you play very very well and you hit 99,9% od your Bow shots you will still lose.

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I think that rather than increase the damage for every one we should just decrease hit to make the game a bit longer and dont let people die in 2 seconds with the Alpha Sickle. Every Predator class should get 500 extra hp and let the damage as it is right now for Predator (low damage , it doesnt need to be reduce except for caster, Elder Sword and Alpha Sickle). Combi throw should be buff. They could add a Perk for increasing the cc effect of the Predator (like slow effect of the bow , blind effect of combi and slam , and concussion of warclub) and add a perk for more ADS movement speed while aiming. We need to make the Predator movements better. Also the melee damage buffs are all usless because the weapons kill with the same hits. Viking should get a different passive buff, like maybe a damage reduction while parryed (30% less damage taken while stunned from the parry) or something like that. As developers, you dont promote diversity if the only passive buffs tou implement are melee damage boost or knife damage reduction.

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I had another 2 semi-decent games last night (I’m tending to limited myself to 2 or 3 games a session due to the effort/frustration involved).

Anyway, I won them, but my god I had to be on top form, and there were only a couple of good players in each FT squad. Each squad seemed to be all assault with many of them having deadly activated. Had they been a half decent squad there would have been no possibility of a win for me.

I’m all for it being a challenge, but at the moment the challenge is pretty much all on the Pred side, while the FT can be played fairly casually.

No new Pred player stands a chance.

I can only imagine that the Devs have calculated that the game has enough hardcore masochist Pred players to sustain it while it focuses on attracting more of the CoD crowd.


All unite guys. Send to this guy more email as possible. They have to fucking fix that game. We all paid for that. We are the community and they have to listen to us!


What more do the devs need to understand that the game, in the actual state, is a total mess?

I suspect that they just don’t care about it.

Balance problems aside (that have always been there, but now they are huge) , they don’t even fix bugs that occur 100 % of the times when playing as predator :

  • no run bug
  • melee crash bug

(which should have been fixed 24-48 hrs after 2.08 release)


3 PS4 beat every Predator!

Stop with this useless retardation of PCDS. It’s Fireteam death squad. Only 3 ps4 with 15 frames and no aim assist beat every Predator. 4 grimetch pistols melted your paid DLC of 5€. We waited one month for that trash class plus the ultra trash weapon. Illfonic you guys need to listen to us. Your QA employee is a retarded brain dead piece of shit. We are the community. We are Predator Hunting Grounds! (Not Predator any more, it’s Fireteam, but whatever)


Agree. But thats not QA fault. Testers work with a Changes and builds that was send to them. They have no effect or vote designers rights.

Even with the worst loadout possible is still easy to destroy the Predator

Yes. But im talking About QA/QC testers. Thats not they fault, only balance designers.

Beta test server with playerbase balance and QA/QC feedback

doesnt count, i should have win this one XDDD

I think their testers have no vote rights.
If that was possible or acceptable, It should be done already. Looks like there is some problems…

Just thinking from a feedback perspective. We can break the game a lot better and a lot faster than they can. That’s definitely been proven

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IMO they read and hear our opinions, but they cannot realise all of them for some reasons. Maybe they want to realise already planed design decisions, and after them, Add some feedback Changes.


A very likely scenario.

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I was playing a match 2 nights ago, and it was only myself and a random player against a Beserker. The random was playing Support class but with no specialisation so I used him to distract the Predator, and while the Predator was engaging him I would dump my ZR55 into him. Rinse n repeat, it wasn’t hard winning. And it wasn’t that the Beserker player was bad or anything, I guess he figured it would be easy taking on 2 players. You only need one focused Fireteam member and another to take the Predators attention away and you can win. All we need to see now is a legit 1v1 to seal the argument.

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Yes that’s true already collecting bio masks like Halloween it’s sad

I am sorry, but do you think that most predators are like 500+ hours in veterans?


Most FT are potatoes just as well. My opinion as to why Illfonic keeps buffing the FT is this:

Just look at the first fight. No idea how this people can be THIS bad…

At the current state of the game even potato FT can deal insane ammounts of damage to a poor Space Tarzan.

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