4 Grimetch pistols vs Viking Challenge

The ultimate troll challenge is ready. Illfonic has destroyed the game so much that now even playing with 4 guns is still too easy to win. We were playing we no gears, no perks, no primary weapon and only Grimtech pistol with silencer. The Viking predator is garbage and the melee playstyle is garbage as well. It would have been better if they had released a tanky class but with a range buff and not that bullshit melee useless buff with that useless Axe. When you play with the most troll loadout possible and you still win 99% of your games, what’s left? what happens then?

@Sharpy_47b @Dexter @Scarface_1983 @Bonator @DovahkiinJr @VENN7eance @j2ezg50


It was both fun and sad at the same time. xD


That sucks. This game not suppose to be like that


I blame myself. I kept asking them to make the grimtech a viable weapon. This is not what I had in mind when I said it.

All jokes aside did the pred quit or just DC in that 4 grimtech match?

It’s hard to tell if someone gets disconnected or leaves manually, i guess there is no way to tell besides asking the player. xD

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True. Considering he was tucked in the corner like he was i wouldn’t be surprised if it was a rage quit

For reasons)

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quit after get downed

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it’s sad

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Have any ideas how to Change it? This game will not be right as F13 where survivors were without weapons (but they were able to harass Jason too).
This game need to give a bit more danger from predator. If they Going just to nerf all ft weapon dmg, thats will not be nice.
I think that Pred must be able to stealth kill after 1 Down or without even Down. Stealth kill from the start. Ft during mission Interractions process will aware that they can be killed anytime

no man, this is even worse, damage of fireteam should be reduced by a lot and Predator range weapons should be buffed, as well as nerf melee weapons and make the game more fair and skill based. Noob Predator players wont pub stomp again noobs Fireteam, but at the same time Good Predator player will beat Good Fireteam player sometimes. Right now the game is in the worst balance state ever.


I mean no lie if I got put into second wind by a Fireteam using the weakest weapon in the game I’d wanna pack up and go home too so I can’t really fault him. Definitely demonstrates the fault of the game.


Maybe just a huge buff for preds range and melee? Like before :1 charge caster - 1 kill. 3 hits of wrist blades - kill. But this Will decrease the value of other melee and range weapons…

Every kind of one shot one kill is game breaking and shouldnt be in the game. If anything the game should last for more time. They should decrease the damage in general and increase the timer for missions. Of course Fireteam need a damage nerf more than Predator range weapons. Elder sowrd, katana and Sickle need damage nerf as well. Viking Axe should be throwable or removed fro the game.

I’ve honestly been a huge fan and been asking for the one-shot caster to come back, but changed my mind this weekend. I picked apart a team of potatoes. Then spent three matches stalking the FT without engagement.

The general lack of awareness of randoms, combined with the cloak would be OP for any one-shot weapon except a bow headshot.

Personally nerf FT damage and give them a tutorial and they’ll be fine.


So how did you all manage to get to using only pistols (all four of you)? -i like the idea of weapon limiting maybe during the lobby (like bonus xp or v or something like how it says on the QuickPlay selection screen)

Totally balanced


We should do a staring challenge next 👀 I bet we still win.

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Next challenge - only knives and granades)

we cant even go without wepons because if we accidentally parry the Pred, he will crash ahah

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