IllFonic IS THIS IS OKAY? PHG "Balance" in a Nutshell - video from both perspectives

when you constantly speak of broken perks that are level locked… something doesn’t add up in your

What doesnt add up is what trying to prove here. What part of my argument did u not understood? The fact that player lvl means jack shit in this game?

exactly. i simply don’t agree with that. but you are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine

You have your Jelou and I respect it, but we all know youa re Fireteam ONLY PLAYER, so your opinion even if it is respectable is not as valid as the one called by a players with 800+ hours playing both Predator and Fireteam at high level. This game was already so much in favor of Fireteam, now it’s just a joke. I was looking at Crazy Boy youtube stream he was playing with some friends and they pretty much destroyed every Predator in less than 5 minutes (PS4 only). So even for the console platform the game is so much in favor of fireteam. My last game of today was a game in which I went 1 vs 1 with a City Hunter. As soon as he started to attack me from melee range I also started to shoot him with my AK hip fire as Dutch 87 and I killed him before he could kill me. Of course he called me cheater. This game is not Predator Hunting Grounds anymore since 2.0 patch. It’s bullshit when even without parrying you can kill a pred in 1 vs 1 in 2 seconds.

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You know it’s funny you mention melting without parrying. I’ve been avoiding parry since the blue screen issue and find I’m still melting predators 1v1 just by focus firing. Sad 😐

I literally haven’t bothered to parry in more than 4 patches due to FT dmg out put it’s actually an unnecessary mechanic lol the dmg output for FT has been wild since 1.16 and has only gotten better

I think 1.14 was the last time I parried a pred to a standstill

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And I respect your opinion. I do think the game has been balanced more in favor of FT on the last patches, all I was criticizing was the video because I simply don’t agree you can measure the balance of a game with such level disparity.

I don’t consider myself to be a top player, but I know I’m decent enough. And while you are able to 1v1 a pred and melt it in a few seconds, I too can do that, but only against really low level preds. And I don’t consider myself to be a low level player

Granted, I’ve barely played any games with the last patch, so I have no real idea of how broken it is, nor am I interested, since I lost all my interest on this game and just play a few rounds when friends are around.

all i am waiting for is for devs to abandon it and hopefully release a P2P patch, so real developers hack the game and finally balance it out for private matches in particular situations

for now, the only true way to balance the game, is to balance it ourselves and hope the pred isn’t a complete retard

I hopo too man 😭