IllFonic IS THIS IS OKAY? PHG "Balance" in a Nutshell - video from both perspectives

Yup… If I smell potatoes I’m just going to end it asap and requeue in hopes of finding a challenge. You can only play with your food so long before it gets cold.

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alright so let us set the record straight

The dude you were facing is level 43… 43!!! (as of his twitch stream right now)

Clearly a newcomer. While the rest of you have been playing since day 1 and are all 150 (probably level 500 if there wasn’t a level cap)

Do you guys really want to balance a game under such conditions?

Did you really expected him to “put up a fight” ? Against you?

You know even us experienced FT players have a hard time beating you as Predator… and you wanna balance it so that the best FT in the world struggles to kill a n00b Pred? Really?


Matchmaking isn’t broken. That’s the highest level Pred left on the game 😂


the irony is that is used to be the opposite.

When I started playing this game I remember I wasn’t even level 10 and I was already facing Berserkers, which were level 45 at least

Yeah. Everyone wanted to play as Pred. It was easy, satisfying, a rush. Now all good preds left for homeworld. I think they have Pred Friday, so theyll be buying new armor, weapons and such. Looking at you illfonic

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is there any answer from devs in this post ?

If not, then you know what does it mean!

Devs don’t giva a f to community opinion

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Or they’re preoccupied trying to get the game to simply work

Or a bit of both lol

i doubt that devs are preoccupied trying to fix the bugs aahahaha

“Pred Friday” HAHAHA!!

I don’t think I ever heard them talk about the reasoning for balance changes and what they are trying to achieve

And I’m pretty bad at the game (not to undermine anyone’s skill or effort, love you all ♥). And there are people like Arrow who are legitimately scary in game. Bumping into them means almost certain death.

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To be fair, lack of map knowledge was a huge determining factor lol. Credit where it’s due though was a good round and playing fireteam isn’t exclusively about killing the pred. You were able to out maneuver me and a win is a win

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@OldKingHamlet @Courier

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I mean by 43 you have every perk you need to fight and kill the pred

Nobody really gives a f about his level. Level in this game means jack shit mate. I have seen low lvl FT and Preds perform way better than those “experienced” / old players.

And if I had a point of view of another guy who streams/records his games as Pred - I would have made such video long ago. We melt pretty much eveyone 24/7, including in our own premade private matches with top FT and Predator players.

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You should probably read the discussion before adding to it. Everything you said there is irrelevant to it.

Not really though because that’s the second thread you’ve dropped that video as “this is why FT gets buffed”. Like it balances out and it doesn’t. It’s literally the problem and what’s making it worse.

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And you’ve still did not read it. Jaya said that most predators are not veterans an to that I’ve answered that most FT players are also potatoes. What does that have to do pro players challenge or how well they do?

My very first statement that you responded to?