IllFonic IS THIS IS OKAY? PHG "Balance" in a Nutshell - video from both perspectives

Even with the worst loadout possible is still easy to destroy the Predator

Yes. But im talking About QA/QC testers. Thats not they fault, only balance designers.

Beta test server with playerbase balance and QA/QC feedback

doesnt count, i should have win this one XDDD

I think their testers have no vote rights.
If that was possible or acceptable, It should be done already. Looks like there is some problems…

Just thinking from a feedback perspective. We can break the game a lot better and a lot faster than they can. That’s definitely been proven

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IMO they read and hear our opinions, but they cannot realise all of them for some reasons. Maybe they want to realise already planed design decisions, and after them, Add some feedback Changes.


A very likely scenario.

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I was playing a match 2 nights ago, and it was only myself and a random player against a Beserker. The random was playing Support class but with no specialisation so I used him to distract the Predator, and while the Predator was engaging him I would dump my ZR55 into him. Rinse n repeat, it wasn’t hard winning. And it wasn’t that the Beserker player was bad or anything, I guess he figured it would be easy taking on 2 players. You only need one focused Fireteam member and another to take the Predators attention away and you can win. All we need to see now is a legit 1v1 to seal the argument.

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Yes that’s true already collecting bio masks like Halloween it’s sad

I am sorry, but do you think that most predators are like 500+ hours in veterans?


Most FT are potatoes just as well. My opinion as to why Illfonic keeps buffing the FT is this:

Just look at the first fight. No idea how this people can be THIS bad…

At the current state of the game even potato FT can deal insane ammounts of damage to a poor Space Tarzan.

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Assuming they could hit the pred, yes. Thins is they are really bad at the hitting part. Just watch that vid.

Is this okay?!

Answer : yes it is.

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Art looks sick as hell.

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This is just one vid. And I know FT can be EXTREMLEY potato, but it doesn’t somehow make glaring problems with the balance magically disappear.

Im about to head to the comic shop first chance I get

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You keep posting that video like it completely negates the fact that competent fireteams can utterly wreck the pred.
Pretty sure even @ROARGATHOR would say those were idiots and he treated them as such. It doesn’t negate the fact that there are (surprisingly) a lot of good players left that aren’t even challenged by a pred. Good preds have trouble with 2 man teams. Hell @Jaya_Soames actually practically beat me single handed by some veteran FT play.


The VAST majority of games play out like this for me dude. Last night I played 10 games and only had to bomb once, because I took a risk. PlayStation potatoes are the target audience. Sad times.