Illfonic please make it where we can cancel eating a pig

I have been in too many matches now where I am eating a pig and the FT comes up and takes me out as the Predator. Please add a cancel button so this does not keep occuring.


But bacon is life


you just have to tame and train your pred. mine is stopping eating boar when I telling him. this is not about that health recovery is unfavorable, u can easily stop healing from medkit, cuz it’s painful for him, but boar is tasty so unmanned pred won’t listen your commands if he doesn’t respects u



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High risk high reward, you are not the first to ask for this and you wont be the last

I will die for bacon, and or because of bacon.
Both IRL and in P:HG


Im just trying yo save the preds I know they are practicing islam so they are not aloud pork. So bullets tend to push them away. Why you think bane is so effective against them its covered in bacon grease lol

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You just need to learn to play. Always make sure you’re not being chased before you start eating.

That’s what she said

He needs to

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Bacon is that special thing that helps hold together the universe.

I like bacon and i like Turtles.

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You have to take risk to get your health back to the full without any medkit .
So I said no
High risk
High reward

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The best way to hunt:

Use a pig, why?

Because you or the Fireteam will use it to draw the other in, now best way to avoid this is to set traps around the pig as Predator with trap perk that way they can watch as you munch on piggie and go straight for that good ol human meat mmmmm hmmmmmm lol

As predator when I take damage I go kill pigs to bring the FT to me. Some sweaty fucking scout or Dutch ALWAYS takes the bait and their murder boner blinds them from the traps I’ve dropped. Easy kill.