Illfonic sucks ass

To be fair. Those were private matches amongst “friends.”
I don’t think it be rage quitting if you are disarmed. It’s more rude and waste of time for everyone.
I can see someone quitting after a disarm. If it’s amongst friends.
I personally wouldn’t quit even under those circumstances for obvious reasons like your friends aren’t your friends they’re recording every single thing to use for later, if you get out of line.

If you quit under any circumstances in pubs or privates vs someone who’s not in your immediate friend circle It’s rage quit.


to be fair you make a good defence claim for Jason at least once a day, it’s cute.


glad i keep my circle small

I only play solo. So mine super small.

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Oh you know this entire text can be used against Jason too when he clipped our friendly game against him when we finally got hayder to play the game after months. Defending him with these words are the same as defending us when Jason made that video in a friendly private. He clipped it. Obviously to have something to hold on us. Just like Hunter. He then tried to black mail us and using that video as leverage. Just like hunter did. At the end of the day. Thats the circle of this game. Never play a game without knowing it will be recorded. Then live with the outcome. People need to understand this is a game and not real life. God bless.

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Im not defending Jason. I’m referring to the RQ’s in privates. If the team is disarming, I can see a pred quit and not be RQ.

If you guys agreed no vids. Should’ve been no vids.

All our matches never a vid come out since we agreed it on. And theres been beef in between, still nothing, no vids.


ahahahahahahah spot on Zebb. that’s why it’s funny he tried to blackmail me like i actually gave a fuck like i would be blackmailed the fucking idiot. at that time spy and hayder hadn’t played for months and i didn’t care still played, and when jason tried to blackmail i just told him to upload it cause i didn’t care, but jason thought he was obi wan with the high ground

I agree. RQ if u get defused is not RQ in my book. Waste of time. A friendly should alwats be no vids. Unless agreed to do vids. What is this? Backstab county? We have played. I have lost and you have not made a video bout that. I respect that. But again. You shouldnt even need to respect that cuz its all backwards in this community.

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Good aim with the handheld. Are you just as good with bow?

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trying to blackmail me and shitting on Zebb bit him in the ass

Not to mention even after all that. He has the odacity to come crawling to me asking me to take his side against hunter when they did the exact thing he did to us. Its appaling. At least i was honest and told him i aint gonna back him up. Even after he begged Sturmi to call me and talk for him for 30 mins…

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that is why the kid is a fucking joke and a hypocrite when hunter did to him what he did to you/us with what you 2 agreed with videos he got butt hurt and started crying, jason did it to me and i laughed and told him to upload it. joke of a kid, now he’s crying all alone just praying to be accepted back

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now you know why in the past and still to this day i never wanted to play and mingle with all these other groups of players

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Don’t use it tbh I much prefer the plasma as does more damage faster

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How many extended hard drives do some players have in this game to record every single match. Screen shot every match.
Just fortnite and Cod alone, eat all my memory on a ps5.


Interesting. Most players prefer the bow, but you make it work with the handheld. Good to see the variety.

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Thanks ❤️

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i see you upset the 🥔 army 😂

Where lol

the vid you uploaded against the facebook hier-archy 😂 the tea bagging mercenaries