Illfonic sucks ass

Was that them? Lol. I didn’t even remember tbh I have had so many matches lmao! Are they usually t baggers are they?

yeah that is the name they go by there are also the toxic mercenaries or mermaids whatever name they go by now although i don’t think they play anymore

Where is that?
All I saw was the potato squad led by Bearfoot. The biggest bum in the game.

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that’s them. they call themselves tea bagging mercenaries, i think he just adopted it from Notorious and named his squad that. he always puts it in his facebook clips he posts

The OG legends Harry, Notorious, Blood?


yeah them but i ain’t seen them for a long time

Bruh i had forget these fellas even exist. Are they still posting and shit? And yes bearfoot is a joke aswell. I havent been on FB phg since the otherday when i posted my vid there. Its as dead as can be over there.

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Harry still has me blocked on FB, sparky sent me a post he did about zebb yesterday haha still after all this time they still have trauma

Oh I can’t see Bearfoot shit anymore. He blocked me months ago. Thank GOD. His videos and gifs made me leave the page.
Not leave but not frequent it.

it’s bearfoot’s page now

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That’s why that page died.

being blocked is the ultimate compliment a troll can ask for

did sparky send you the SS of harry’s post he wrote about you? 😂 he still has feelings for you

Hold up! After all this time? Sparky mentioned something bout it yesterday, I honestly cant beleive after all this time he is still in love with me. Doesnt he know im taken?

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No. Was it a post or a video. Either way send it to me. I aint gonna unblock him. He honestly sends me 10 messages and 10 tags a day. Cant have him unblocked bruv

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to be honest i was more shocked than anything i had forgot about the thing but when sparky sent me the SS of him making a post about you it just shows you still live rent free in his gender divided mind

Handing over the keys and your legacy to Bearfoot. 🤦🏻‍♂️
The final kick to your nuts to end a career.

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i will send you the SS cause i can’t see the post

Hayder ended their careers


the fake match scandal they tried to pull in private was too much to come back from