Illfonic sucks ass

It’s hard to set up a schedule, plus I kinda wanted a break from PHG’s. Im also gonna be doing videos on the AVP 2010 game but with the Nomad Predator modded into the game taking the place of Dark.

GG @Weevo540, you caught me lacking lol


Sheer dumb luck on my part. You were giving us the business. You’re getting really good with the disk. That’s one of the most fun rounds I’ve ever played, GGs man


Nice match. Ggs

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Thanks, you’re getting good with the disc too. I wanna see you fight @PlayStation_sniper and Hunter’s team. I feel like those would be good matches.

I’d be down to fight you in Privates as pred or fireteam too.


every time i do a smart disc build i forget to adjust the damn sensitivity

You can adjust the sensitivity during the match bruv

He Doesn’t play vs sweaty players.
Weevo shits himself and leaves publicmatches vs known players
Doesn’t like to take an L I guess


Conveniently disconnects for sum reason 😂😂😂


He’s killed me a bunch of times, but I had potatoes on my teams those times. Maybe he’s just afraid of you? I dunno lol.

Come on @Weevo540, I think you can put up a good fight against Ls1 and other good snipers.


Check out the top g of phg

Who knows m8

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I know for a fact I’m not the only one he leaves on 😂
Leaves on quite a few people

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Stop that right now he does not leave public matches. He’s got to take good care of them dogs. Remember dogs are a Man’s best friend. Weevo I apologize on “Outlaw’s” behalf he must had too much coffee and he does play against sweaty players like drums, abazz, Steve miester, and more

To take good care of them dogs 🐶 🐕 and I told you weevo is too op now this man simply cannot be stopped

@P-willie2000 why u delete your comment?


U deleted your comment saying I wouldn’t call them sweaty players but it’s ok you’re the #GOAT