Illfonic sucks ass

The best thing you can do is wonder what currently accepted data is wrong. That’s actually the best mindset that a scientist can have.

It’s because of that constantly questioning mindset that we are where we are today.
All of our advancements and growth in science (and a lot of things really) have come from the idea that “what if this isn’t right or isn’t good enough?”.
If you aren’t a scientist you sure have the scientific mindset

You sure are right that it’s not easy to challenge, but it is something that must be done. And even if it is something that is disproven, it still provides a benefit as it rules itself out as a false possibility. Failures in experiments are really just as important as success, as it still provides a net gain of knowledge.


Thanks for the explanations. It helped alleviate some doubt, though I’m still weary of statistical analysis. Even tho it accounts for possible errors and we get things right and understand why wrongs were accepted initially, something still feels off, even when it’s only the tested criteria that is accounted for (nm the other factors). I understand that it’s the best modeling we have for real life tho.

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Always happy to be a part of these discussions!

It is good to be weary of statistics, as what you said is correct in that while not fully correct, they are the best model we have. We know that they will be inaccurate, especially for something medical like this, it’s all about attempting to minimize inaccuracies through experimental design to provide data that can be interpreted in a meaningful way.

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Though it seems incompatible, i can’t help but mix science and philosophy. Science is like an approximation for the real world, whereas philosophy is like unbounded possibility of the real world. Science tries to put limits on those possibilities and is probably doing a good job at it, but i still feel like too much is waved off by trying to zero in on things. I guess it’s kinda like Schroeder’s equation. The more you try to pinpoint something the more error is involved and statistics is used to minimize the effects of the errors so we can have some knowledge/certainties.


There are both significant connections and conflicts between both.
Science used to be called Natural Philosophy, as the scientific method and mindset are technically philosophy as all that philosophy is is the method and search for wisdom. I tend to view both as two sides of the same coin. The popularization of science and the method came from the enlightenment, however romanticism gave us philosophy (as we know it) and came about because of the enlightenment.
In my personal experience to view life with only acknowledging only one is not truly fulfilling. Like most things in life, a balance is key for the best outcome. It is because of this that while I am a man of science and have made that my profession, I do not entirely neglect philosophy, and am religious as well. It is extremely important to know limits and test things, but it is also important to have wider concepts and ideas.

Also on a complete side note I can’t wait for everyone tomorrow to realize that we’ve hijacked another thread into science (and now the relationship to philosophy) lmfao


Well said.

I am a bit tired of all the trolling and sheet posting so I’m going though a science phase. I will return to trolling from time to time cause it’s too much fun, but for now it’s this.


Come on you know most people on here are too stupid to understand this in the slightest.

I havent been saying much because I’m playing destiny with people lmao.


No reason we cant do it all honestly.


You know, I respect that. I also love being asked these kinds of questions so feel free any time!


Agreed, i just need some variety

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Maybe, maybe not. I don’t get to decide how much brain damage the forum has each day.

However I think that ultimately each of us has gained something from this conversation, and hopefully someone else reading this will too. Regardless I’d say it’s been worthwhile.


Thank, i will. Sometimes random stuff pops into my head and i can’t leave it be until i mull though it some.

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I basically got that science is made hard by the sheer amount of factors that have to be considered.

Honestly theres so many crazy things with science and math.
One thing that blew my mind was the fact that there are different “values” or amounts infinity.
Those aren’t best words but all I can think of to describe it.

@Anyt1m3 have you heard about that?


Stream PC players

What do you guys think of this?
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It takes a real psychopath to rick roll people just trying to relax.