Illfonic sucks ass

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Check put Crazyboy’s video

Or @John_Herbert.

Oldie but a goodie


Played a medic tracker dante leader team tonight with sum sus plays
They were one shotting me and ripping off suspicious health.
Has anybody played this squad?
These Guys could be beat for sure but they also need the medics to keep them alive.
Good games
Let me know if I’m tripping or what hahhahah
They hit me with one shots that take more than 80 percent of health

I met them yesterday in a public match, super sweaty & salty players.
They won thanks to the fastest mission in the game (Backwater truck bombing), lucky revive station next to exfill, and 3x dante field medics (their sniper tracker is no danger, misses most of his shots). On top of that, my ping was 100+
Definetely beatable in the right conditions. Otherwise super tough match even for the more skilled pred players.
Only notable thing about them is the use of underbarrel hammerhead grenades to counter smart disc usage.

Fun fact : sirope_bonito5 in the lobby called me " Mr_Mojo the cheater" … LOL


3 Dante medics with tracker 😂 Jesus Christ! there is a special place in hell for them people


Played vs them a few times while streaming, one of them was literally watching my stream during the match so I kept hearing my voice through his mic. They had recon Tracker + Support FM, in one match when the Pc player with tracker died the others tried hiding inside a building.

Now that First dmg you got… 2 Sniper shots at once? Half Hp gone in 1 Second.

Ok at 2:49… No way , 80% of HP gone in 1 Second. Thats not normal, doesnt happen. Only saw that on matches with dsynch problem, lag switch?

And It keeps happening again, 14:50 thats bullshit.


2:48 Whaaaaaat


14:50 loool


Okay that stinks.
There is no way one shot can do so much damage in this game.
This is something the Devs should have a look at.


i maybe could understand if it was maybe an assault fanatic with bane on but even then it would be hella sus, and the fact the only sniper i saw was a dante medic with no damage buffs other than the leader is something i can’t explain. the shot at 2.50ish is an absolute joke how it takes 2/3 of the health bar maybe more.

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that health bar melt while in 2nd wind at 14.50 is a mockery 😂

even if you play it at 0.25 or 0.5 speed it is just one shot.
You can usually see it at slow speeds when there are separate shots doing so much damage, but that’s not the case here.
And the game seems to run too stable for that kind of network package loss/lagswitch.
What I find weird is that it doesn’t sound like the SAWZ, maybe one of the other rifles is horribly bugged and we don’t know about it yet.