I do it a lot in this video too🤣
Illfonic sucks ass
You are a good Pred don’t sweat it👍
I use an wired xbox controller. what should i use for the keybind?
It’s a new skill you guys acquired maybe a month ago? I wouldn’t know since I exiled myself from the groups so I’m not tempting to waste my entire fucking day Playing.
I just recently noticed you guys doing this shit.
For my weapons I use
Up arrow for primary (combistick)
Left arrow for secondary (Bow)
I also press down on the right analogue stick to jump/branch transition
Yeah a month or two ago I think.
I looked at one of Gesps videos and thought:
Hang on a second what is he actually doing different here to shoot both at the same time?
Aiming the Bow literally as the Combistick leaves his hands and before it even comes out shoots an arrow. It’s a huge animation cancel basically
One ugly meow meow fucker.
Bravo just explained it , man that’s confusing as heck
He can’t even do it himself🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’ll never get that down , maybe I should just learn the last used swap thing people do
That button is what I replaced my Bow hotkey with.
Just practice man and you’ll build up the muscle memory
Ok I’ll try , gonna put in alot of practice time
Then that’s all that should matter dude my friends are all gone due to the toxicity lately so now we’re playing ARK
We still need to jam , been awhile since we just sat down and laughed and not gave a dam at all about who wins or looses
I’ve played Friday the 13th the game, DBD, COD MW and Warzone, Aliens Fireteam Elite with my friends.
I know your from the f13 community I was too
Yeah if I could get a group of people to play it with it’d it’d much better
I hop on f13 every now and then same with DBD
Yeah when I get on my main PS5 account I don’t usually get on Predator unless privates are going down.
I play DBD more now because there’s actually stuff to unlock on there and I can actually get better on it.
Last time I played Friday the 13th:🤣