ILLFONIC v Fireteam

has illfonic devs ever played predator against a community chosen fireteam?

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You could probably take a wild guess


No. They have player against Community Predators tho during the their streams.

well lets get them to do it…

we wonna see it guys…

Show us how its done!

Play 5 rounds against a squad of the communitys choosing…


if they can win best of 5 ill buy all DLC.

Who else?
Give them a cash incentive!


It wont happen! They rarely play pred and when one of them does play pred against the other devs they are potatoes preds

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have they ever shown pred gameplay with one of their devs playing, it seems its always from FT perspective?

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Yeah. When Excavation came out they were dev streaming.

We watch Trevor play the Viking and get wrecked. Then they played @Elliott626 in the same stream and they rushed mission and exfiled on him

I will get in on the action , but if they lose i want a full refund , including the skins I bought 😄

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That’s pretty normal in the games industry. Think about it. If they spent enough time PLAYING the game to be top tier, they wouldn’t have time to actuallt make the game. It’s better to expect them to have a council of top tier players that they take balance feedback from

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Im slightly confused.

Yes I understand they should be potatoes but the last part is confusing me

Wouldn’t that still lead to problems though , the council players would wield too much influence on the balance . Taking pointers from the few that impact the many? Not a good idea in my opinion

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Oh is that what that was referring too. Yeah no! Lol

Hopefully with the new lead dev who isn’t a CsGo champion and used his love for that game to heavily dictate this game. This is CsGo guest staring the pres.

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It is a good idea because top tier is always where you see the exploits in action. It is also where the imbalances of the game become the most extreme. It makes it easier for the devs to see where to look.

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No, they have no clue what its like to go against a PC death squad. I’m very serious right now.

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