Illfonics Twitter Question: The Excavation Secrets Analysis

It seems illfonic really wants us to talk about it:
From their twitter:
“As some of you have already found, our art team has stuck some little details in Excavation. What secrets have you uncovered?”

So in response to this i went on a private mode match and did a mission and took some screen shots of all the bone pictures worth taking.
Note: there is a picture with four predators skulls… …4 Preds together with about 12 Humans? that was Illfonics twitter post so here is that one.

I’ve noticed something:
There is a very unique animal in all of these found in every section. I’m not exactly sure what they are. They aren’t Predator Dogs either from Predators (because they have an abundance of odd protruding bones on their skulls like that of antelopes and goats)…so definitely not those quadrapeds.

They aren’t the Predator Dogs from The Predator because the shape of their heads dont match at all. These dogs from The Predator have unique snouts found between the eyes. These snouts are obviously found away and further in front of their eyes.

I’m looking at European Ice Age Fossilized Extinct Cave Hyena Skull on google and they resemble those more so than anything else. and by the size of them…they can pretty much eat a human being so they were pretty lethal!

The thing is (which is strange), these Iceage Boars aren’t the same as the ones on Earth. The ones on Earth, their skulls are little itty bitty! The ones pictured here are about 4-5 times Earth sized ancient boars.
Super Boars?
Its mouth can fit 3-4 or 5 humans heads! My guess is…these were brought over by the Predators. But i assume either someone got the jump on them quickly…killed all of them pretty quickly with an over abundance of human casualties.

The only difference i see is that Illfonic has a boar that has a more of a pronounced jaw line. It protrudes forward in front of it, where as the one on Earth has an inverted jarline curving inward (this could be just the angle tough).

Please do chime in ol’friend!




It’s clearly evidence for a new mode

Predator vs cavemen

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Anyone notice anything other than the bones?

Wall are, table setups, that kinda stuff.


I love you Fire! You walk the plank blindfolded! Such conviction.!

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There were quite a few murals i think…but I’m spent!

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What have you done to the mercenary?!

Also I want to put a Pred skull on the shoulder of one of my preds


Yep Everyone on reddit is questioning the Playstation Exclusive Shader available to everyone on PC.

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Not much to ponder about lol. Ps4 had the epic exclusive skin for a day.

Someone fucked up

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In the mission in the cave when you blow open the secret chamber spot, there’s a very long spine in there! You also grab pred masks from there for a mission.

Check er out.

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What do you think it all means?

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a day? I got it it still! and the Epic skin…phhhh!


I think there’s a 3rd party than hunted EVERYTHING. Weather it be another space organism, or dare I say it… a bigger pred?


This is how they do things and just toss everything in the pool? My knowledge of yautjas don’t go that deep so it could literally just be a burial site for things that died? xD

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Some people think cavemen were really good at hunting preds every hot season because arnie got the jump on a single pred via an elaborate primitive log trap. I don’t think its reasonable that they killed preds in these numbers, managed to hide the bodies, discarded the gear though.

Have to disagree & second the 3rd party thing.


Tinfoil hat time!!

The Yautja are the ancient ancestors of the hish and the Amengi used hish dna to bring the Yautja back to existence but obviously severely underestimated them

It’s like Jurassic Park for Predators

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Plot twist it was a predator camp on earth with human slaves and they were worshipped as gods until they got taken out xd

Can’t post pics cause my files are too large :(

Big spine is in that secret spot “ancient” i believe the mission is called?

Gotta plant charges to open up the cave. Pred masks, human skulls and pred skulls, along with an arrangement of bones were inside.

My mind is racing!

save as JPG. 1080p should work if youre doing it on MS paint.

So it at first glance it would be a Yaujta burial site, but if you look closely there are only skulls and the spines of the Yaujta, not the entire body, soo my guess is bad bloods came to site and slaughtered them claimed there skulls and left, soo this migt be indication of super predators cause there isn’t a full skeleton.

Why would they be buried on earth unless its out of reverence? Would also imply the preds lived there instead of just vacation hunting, for the burial grounds angle

But yeah just the skulls. They were killed