And nobody beats me at PHG! Because you can’t! and you won’t!


Eat it @ Maskedkane316 like you never had it and you wanted a try it for the first time.
Now that you had it you won’t ever go back!

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I’ll rek u in SWBF2 bish

I play that game, I’m a Boba main and I get rag-dolled by Chewbacca, Han’s explosive, and basically every force ability.


You disgust me


What part has left you disgusted

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Probably the Boba main part.

He’s seen me pull some absolute bullshit with Boba, especially on Bespin.


Your existence


Where did Boba touch you?

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Fear not my child, for I am also a Boba user.
The answer to your problem is positioning/knowing how aware the enemy is of you, midair jukes, and game-sense.

Positioning knowing how aware the enemy is of you

  • You should play a more stealthy hit and run playstyle unless your team is absolutely stomping.
    The enemy ideally shouldn’t know where you are until you’ve done a significant amount of damage to them. Don’t be leading the charge with your team. Let them charge and get the enemy’s attention, and then you swoop in while they are distracted and deal that insane burst damage from your rocket barrage and EE-3.
  • To help with this, I recommend either using the flank routes, or flying extremely high. Often times people don’t know how to look up until you start damaging them, so use that to your advantage.
  • Your concussion rocket is also a very valuable tool for making people loose track of you, or not even be able to determine where you are in the first place. The tradeoff is that it makes enemies more aware of you before you deal damage, so I typically reserve it for dealing with blaster enemies due to the disabling effect.
  • Also play around various types of cover whenever possible, anything that can block line of sight or an explosion is good. If they can’t see you, they’re going to be constantly trying to figure out where you’re going to pop out of, which can give you the needed advantage to either slip away and reposition, or deal some serious damage.

Midair jukes

  • The ability to dodge while midair is extremely powerful. A quick dodge forward or backwards then forwards can temporarily throw off someones aim and path prediction, causing them to need to recalculate your path.
  • This also ties into game-sense, which I’ll explain next.


  • Play as much of the game as possible. The best way to know how to dodge a Chewbacca’s bolts? Play Chewbacca and gain experience how they aim and track. Same principle with lightsaber heroes. I’ve played enough that I have an intuitive clock on the force ability recharge times and their ranges, so I hover out of range to bait them or dodge when they use, and I already know for how long I’m good to press my offense.
  • I don’t have one specific main because I play almost every class and every hero to develop this game sense. It also will help with matches where the team is just flat out successfully countering you on one hero, because a team composition strong against one specific hero is generally weak to another one, and the only way to really determine that is through good ol experience + trial and error.

If you’ve successfully read all of this, congratulations, you’re just as deranged as I am.
Oh and should you ever want a good teammate, I’m always down to either chill and play a few casual matches or give realtime tips and info.
Don’t listen to @Fire, I don’t suck at battlefront, he’s just still upset with how dirty I did that Luke on Bespin that one time.

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I am as deranged as you.
And my psn is The_Batman19394 so just add me if you want, and I’ll add you back when I get the chance

And what did you do to poor Luke?


Oh I see. Play with him but not me. Fuck you.

What didnt he do is the real question.


You do suck though.

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Will do! I’ll do it tomorrow when I get up. Btw I live at college without my ps4, and the only games I own are pretty much SWBF2 and SWBF1, so if its not on either one of those its my younger brother. I’m back on spring break for the next week, and I’ll be living back at home during the summer.

Unspeakable Things.

You know the Slave 1 spot on the Bespin map? If you fly from there you have enough fuel to get to that central bridge area people always try to ledge kill each other on.
This was one Hero Showdown and Fire died taking out the other guy, a Yoda I think, so he got front row tickets to this event.
I flew back and forth between the two forcing the Luke to run after me, and while the guy was decent with his block timing, I’d get in just enough chip damage to permanently bring his health down by like 30 HP or so. Repeat that about like 10 times with rocket barrage to bring down the rest, and I finally killed him. He left, and I honestly don’t blame him. @Fire said something to the effect that that was the gayest shit he’s ever seen in SWBF2, and he’s probably right.


If I suck so much, why am I hospitalized in the ER for severe back damage from carrying your ass in every match we play???

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More like for that concussion you got for flying straight into the wall head first.

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And that poor Luke, you might as well have fucked his mom too


I still haven’t forgiven myself.

I told my Pastor during a confession, and he told me to get the fuck out of the place of God.

