Incoming cheating comments

So what do guys think about this?

What will happen when people without disabilities start to take advantage of equipment/software designed to help those with disabilities?

I’m not entirely sure how its integrated and how both people with disabilities and people without use it.
I mean it looks like an add-on kit, but there is no such thing as swapple parts for the controller that I’ve seen, so some how its still in development but those extra bits of controls will be on an actual controller.
It won’t be your usualy CROSS (UpdownLeftRight) and the 4 buttons on the right with 4 triggers, its going to be these joystick looking things and a radial style button combination.From the looks of it, its larger than the conventional gamepad.

I think it will play out like as if you have a Number pad on both sides of your controller. It would have to be keyboard sized. like…
imagine using your keyboard but you have 2 mini joysticks on your right thumb underneath spacebar and your left thumb too.

I honestly can’t say if there is a controller out there for the PC that does just that.

This shit is what console ppl need:

except it needs to be compatible. Not sure if this is.

Console gaming will be easier on our fingers. Honestly, the only thing that gives significant advantages on Console are preprogrammed inputs and recoil mitigation through through third party connections like the Cronus zen.
Developers are already looking into detection of programmed inputs to ban people using Cronus zen and similar products, so I think the future of console gaming will remain fair if not even more so.

As far as ergonomics, I’ve been using lever backs for about 3 months and I don’t think would ever go back to a normal Controller.

Eventually, I will get the Edge controller, but these should be the standard controller, not an upgrade.

You’re walking on a thin ice now.
Better be careful, because, next thing you know, somebody might call a witch hunt upon you on this dreaded forum.

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If this controller comes with ps5 ok i get it. But if you really want to spend extra bills on something that is worthless to a regular game that is not even a PC keyboard game then what is the point? Fabulous, so it can change your buttons to another configuration. Like how is that suppose to help you in an FPS?

The player base needs a mouse goddamn it. Sony just make them a goddamn usb mouse!
Its been 20 years of no progress over there at sony.

I don’t use the extra buttons but I prefer the ps5 pro controller. Just has more grip, sits better in your hand.

My thoughts exactly

People here have gone as far as calling remapping buttons “cheating”

fucking animals

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that don’t use mouse. It don’t matter if you can reconfigure. I mean who is going to have anything against that? Those who like Uncharted? There are literally no competitive games on playstation or console…its just that they don’t exist for being on controllers.
Even SF6 had completely obliterated 6 buttons and specials to actually performing specials. Now they replaced that shit with 4 buttons and one special button to perform specials. Its stupid easy to do it now. So Capcom said, lets just let the player make it automatically and let them play an openworld game.

Stone age mentality.

One of those on this forum said how people should use default key bindings and not change anything.

I also read here that changing your DPI on the fly is kinda cheating. You’re not supposed to do that.

You gotta blend in with potatoes, dumb yourself down, post brain-dead meme’s and rock 12 year old console and complain how Cyberpunk sucks 'cause your PS4 slim can’t run it above 20 FPS at best.

Otherwise, if you fail to achieve this, you’re just another PC cheater.


like that flamboyant finessology?


I have a steam controller with paddles and an xbox controller with remappable back buttons

I honestly prefer buttons to paddles

I still think the biggest disadvantage to a controller is the joysticks range and lack of curve response adjustment hardware wise.

I use rewasd to customize the response curve and it makes day and night difference.

Yeah this one’s true what a dogshit RPG. you’d have a better physics system, AI, and mechanics just modding GTA V.

Atleast the cars would be able to navigate around eachother and cops would be able to chase you.

@me you coward

how’s your CDPR stock looking?

Any word on when that scrapped cyberpunk multiplayer is coming?

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I just can’t stop hearing your mickey mouse falsetto voice.

The same people who buy very expensive systems just to play this garbage that can literally be played just fine on a ten year old pc or console.

…and to top it off they buy 3080s and 4000s to play on the lowest graphics settings lmaooooo the retardation on some people is mind boggling.

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The voices in your head you schizo