@OldKingHamlet @Courier
Can you inform your team to inprove the matchmaking system , if possible, to make for a Predator player that is searching a game with crossplay off , a huge more chance to find other pc players? Right now there is more chance to find 4 x PC with cross play ON , showing that the matchmaking is not working as intended. A Predator player that is searching with cross play off should have a bigger chance to find 4 x pc even if they are searching with cross play on. Otherwise what s the point to turn it off? Hope you can do something for the upcoming patch.

I think it is working as intended, those extra PC players have it set to on and so search for those lobbies first. You’re being sorted with those who have it turned off.

(This is my assumption, no proof of how the system actually works.)

Predator queue with cross play off should have higher chance to find pc players even if they have cross play on, and btw there were multiple teams that were searching with cross play off , me and my friend same region were searching with 2 different option (me with off and him off). I couldn’t find any game but he could (against them), so the matchmaking is not working in my opinion and should be improved.

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It might get better on Friday. If not it will with future patches.
It’s good you gave more details, might help.

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And this thing happened a lot of times. In my opinion Cross play off should be adjust for Predator queue. On the 28 maybe more pc players will come back in the game but I think this issue will also remain.

@Draedark Will you be coming back?

Joined a lobby as 4 without a predator, of course considering how many people are playing pred and wait 14 mins is impossibile to not find a pred. Cross play off for pc doesn’t work as intended and it has some issues. @Courier @OldKingHamlet . We need more chance to find each other.

I think there are clearly some issues with matchmaking.
The problem is it is hard to say it’s ‘broken’, because we really have no understanding of how it works.

I would like it if the Devs could share how the matchmaking system is intended to work.
Then maybe we would have some more information in which to speculate where things may not be working as expected.

There is clearly some heavily based ‘region match making’ that occurs at one stage (likely the first stage?)
However we don’t know how long matchmaking sits at each ‘stage’ before increasing it’s ‘search radius’.

Just by me being present in a group from another country increases the match making time for that group.
Sometimes I’ll get a game quickly, all with local players. But when things take longer, I tend to more often than not get placed into high ping games, often with incomplete lobbies.

I expect match making can be a complicated process, but there is definitely something that doesn’t seem to be working as designed here, regardless of Crossplay.

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I do check the forums now and again to read over patch notes and such, but given what I have been seeing since I uninstalled, probably not.

At the very least, not anytime soon.

Thank you for asking though, and good hunting to you!

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I’d be okay with an opt-in “Sweaty” toggle. It’s still quick-play, but may internally ‘weight’ matchmaking to prefer competitive games. It can even be a numerical value rather than just a binary toggle. Setting your own ‘sweat’ value.

A more serious naming convention would be a thermal index.

  1. Room Temp,
  • The current Quickplay. PS4 pubs abound
  1. Summer Heat,
  • 2+ Pre-Mades of PS4 or PC players
  1. Heatwave,
  • 3+ Pre-Mades or full PS4 teams who want to get sticky.
  1. The Devil’s Balls.
  • 4 Man PC Death Squads.

Do you…understand what crossplay is? 😅

I seriously LOL’d! :D :D :D

The only way they’re going to improve the matchmaking for PC only matches is by giving the game away on the Epic Store. It certainly helped other multiplayer Epic Store exclusives like World War Z. I was dumb enough to early support that too.

Don’t kid yourself. This game never had much of a PC population to begin with and i have had the game since release. Just finding a FT match with crossplay off took several minutes to find a match. It’s impossible at this point. It’s certainly a waste of time.