Increase damage done by bear trap and net gun

Or add elemental effects.
Good ones too, not weak.
Fire, elec, ice possibly.

Or secondary effects.
Bear traps are useless cause they can be destroyed and easily detected.

But a bear trap that sends the ft like 15 feet in the air when they break free would be fun and hilarious.

If course, pred isnt allowed to have fun or cool shit that ain’t weak.

Other games are better designed anyway, so it’s to be expected.

I literally have no counter argument.
That’s 100 percent true.

I just wish ilfonic would try to make both sides more fun to play.
You know, by listening to what we on forum say.



Drop them on players then down them hmmm. How do you manage that when he’s surrounded by his 3 teammates lmao. Now I know you don’t face pre-made teams that only works on beginners that don’t work together and cover each other. Plus you stated you don’t use them so how would you get better with them. You really are stupid. You stated that you didn’t use them because there to easy to spot lmao wouldn’t that mean there useless 🤣 wow your a special kind of stupid.

So you want to buff weapons you don’t even need?
Traps are traps. Only thing i could agree is add some additional things like slowing the FT trapped after he releases himself for 10sec.

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Perfect been saying that since launch. They just had barbed blades blast through their leg but can still run 40mph. The fuck.

No, I never said I didn’t use them because they were visible, I said that I never use them because I find them too situational hence why I never use them and it’s not like you’re running into premade every match which is why I gave the example. Damn you really like to dance to your own whistle.

Niche is useless

You’re supposed to attack them from behind when using bear traps

Net Gun should do significant progressive damage.

Bear traps should take one moderate chunk of health.

And… wrist launcher needs to do more base damage.

Some form of electricity damage would be cool to like scramble the interface/map/objectives for fireteam but not hurt them too much.

*best way to use bear traps is directly in front of the players shooting at you lol