1)I think that the fire team needs a third-person view, like in the call of duty mobile, pubg, ghost recon, well, you get the idea. If you can switch from the first to the third person and vice versa, it’s generally gorgeous.2) I can also offer body kits for weapons, you can add a laser with an underbarrel bar or a grenade launcher like Dutch’s. 3) Again, for the fire team, you can add a visual night vision goggle to the night maps that they will lower and raise depending on whether it is on or off , I think it would be very cool)
Now to the predator. 1)It’s probably better to make the disk a one-shot, and it will be completely canonical, and for balance you can make the management more complicated. 2)To make a net only one way - death, except for a Alien, no one could get out of it and then at the expense of blood acid, but then it will be fair to make only 1 shot per round and without return.
Now about the game mode, it would be nice to have a collaborative hunt. For example, 3 predators and a squad of ± 10 people hunt together, I think this will spice up the game a little more)
Interesting suggestions for the game
this will never happen
Maybe read through the other suggestions and coming to the realization that what people want and suggest never happens. Been that way for four years.
Anything can happen
Perhaps, but maybe sooner or later the developers will want to revive the game a little and listen to at least something. It’s just a pity that the game has 4 players a day and the rating is 3.8, I want to somehow save the game so that it doesn’t get even worse
Wrong, they havent listened for 4 years
Game attendance drops slightly, maybe they will listen to the players
they wont but you are free to believe in pipe dreams
Everything happens in life
Everything except illfonic giving a shit
These developers basically have only 2 breakthrough games
Name them, and define “breakthrough”.
Friday the 13th and the predator. The only games that took off at the time , From 2019 to 21± overtook many games