Hello, let me introduce myself, I am a new player. Can you add me to user Rappagan Mekkab
or you can call me Rapa.
Classes to be used are scout, hunter, berserker, weapons to be used: net launcher, bow, katana, axe. I belong to the Xbox platform. Schedules to play on weekends and at times during the week. Greetings.


Ive 3000+hours on this game and haven’t touched it in like 3 years. I’m a recovering addict of the game. i hope i don’t play anymore. thank you. greetings.


The game is partially active, and with Xbox players trying to join, since I entered the forum I believe that the evil of the community is the creators of the game themselves. You’ve spent so many hours.

Correct, shitfonic is trash


why the hell not

i am YautjaSymbiote

main predator (usually)

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CaptainJelou here (EGS)

I play mostly FT. I personally dislike players who refuse to play FT. I can understand players who refuse to play pred.

just because of that statement, i am never going to play fireteam ever again


I’m ElderPreddy, I come here mostly to see updates, DLC and if we are lucky Bug Fixes

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Dont main either i play both (not the best, but not the worst) and usually run publics. Feel free to add or send an invite when your playin. Recently started playin again

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did voorhees and i que up with you yesterday on derailed?

With cease and dissect right? Yea that was me. We bagged that predator lol

Will be retiring this user and will be switching to @xMadeInHeaven86x, would’ve posted as that account but new users can’t post links for whatever fuckall reason. Been wanting to retire this stanky catfish for ages, finally have an out to do so. I play both Pred and FT, but mainly Pred. Rebranded my Youtube channel as well, so please do come check out my antics. Please.

(Please, I only have two subscribers…)


“Hyper attractive middle-aged sex machine” lmao


Talk about delusions of grandeur, sheesh


I am Ja5onP00LX13 on YT

And GhostFaceClan666 in-game on PSN.

I am a Predator main but I do also play Fireteam.

I have around 4270ish hours in-game atm & I will let these 2 montages speak for themselves about how I play:


Its what gets the views, man. Gotta exaggerate a little (in this case, very little).

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Holy shit 4270 hours…I have over 1070 and I thought that was a lot…


Yh but you’ve got to remember at least 50% of those hours are probably spent either AFK, Queueing up, or trying to sort out a Private Match lobby😂

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Rookie numbers. 6500 here lol


Well hey peeps,I’m predator momma and I’m a novice PHG player…who got level 150 after 3 full days of grinding lol…what for you ask? Tank dreads lol

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