Is it wrong

Ya bro the '50s ended ages ago lol.

Side note

She was on her period that’s why she didn’t put out. Eeeewwwwww.

Psshh. I just get the towel. I dont give a fuck. But im a super naturalist. To me only the absolute extreme shit is gross in those situations.

Imo if you arent getting nasty with it then whats the point shrug

Bleh. That shit grosses me out lol

If its bloody or stinky…

Lol I dont blame you.

Man’s been watching too much Titans. Gonna start dressing up as Hawk and get a sidekick called Dove and beat up your neighborhood pedos.

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Nah that’s funny

Pretty valid. Even if the accusation is just an accusation, the person is still screwed because that stuff doesn’t go away. Very easy way to destroy lives.

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I should know. I had my ex fwb call rape on me in high school. Thank the lord unlike most people I had literally miles of texts of her begging me to smash to show everyone and clear my name. Still damn near ruined my social life.

These bitches…

I remember a pedo moved in to my old apartment complex and moved out only a few weeks later the day he was found out. I mean that dude booked.