Is Predator damage right or wrong?

Let’s say a bullet deals 10 damage.
And lets say a scout has no resistances. So, 100 bullets will Second wind the Scout.
So a berserker will take 150 bullets, right? But what if the berserker takes half damage from bullets. So now, to deal 1500 damage, you need 300 bullets. So his effective health to bullets is 3000, despite you only deal 1500 points of damage.

Hunter and City have 1250 both

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What? Phhhh…i dont even know what you mean. its 1200000x.

I tried it.


hmm…about health
berserker about 1500
samurai about 1350
hunter,elder,city about1250
alpha about 1150
scout 1000


That sounds about right, I haven’t tested it but those seem very close to true.

We have a few members who don’t speak English. You’re doing fine.

Those numbers see close what the general conclusion most people reach when running these tests.

To answer a question you may have with all this,

The “stat bars” for Health, Stamina, Gear do an extremely poor job when comes to displaying all of the needed stats to us players.

Like other have said there are passive abilities or traits classes have that are not displayed either.

That’s what I thought. So Samarai has more health for grenade and melee damage, but guns are going to do nearly the same damage to hunter and samurai.

I tried 10 body shots and 5 knocks with a knife to test the resistance.

shot resistance fell into three categories.
no resist :BZK,SAMURAI
about 5%resist :hunter,jg,alpha,elder,city
about 8%resist :scout

There were also three categories of close-in attack positions.
about 15%resist:SAMURAI
about 10%boost:BZK
no resist:other

test dameage list
class / bullet DMG(10p) / knife DMG(5p)
hunter / 353 / 524
jungle / 353 / 524
scout / 346 / 524
bzc / 375 / 575
alpha / 353 / 524
elder / 353 / 524
samurai / 375 / 450
city / 353 / 524