Is this the normal fire rate for 1011-12?? (video)

Nah, that’s not why people turn crossplay off. Oh and btw you can buy a MK on PS just as well.

If you’re using a slower-firing main weapon, you can just set your fire button to be either mouse scroll wheel up or down. That will let you use slow, more controlled scrolling for shooting your primary and you just go crazy for shooting the grimtech/1011-12, you can easily get the maximum fire rate without using any macros, doing everything with in-game settings.

Otherwise, you should still be able to empty the 1011-12 in under 2 seconds even if you’re just using default settings.

Gee thanks…because I’d like to spend more money on this game. I’m sure it’s easy to set up macros on console too.

I didn’t say this was why crossplay gets turned off. I said this is why it stays off.

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this is true but with a macro you can get the fastest fireing speed without having to put the effort into it making it easier to handle the recoil coming from it

sure it takes practice but it IS an advantage over others as your removing a sort of skill (in this case the rapid clicking of a button)


I know that it has advantages, that is why companies market this stuff for gamers. Both my mouse and kb has dedicated macro buttons.

Nah man, how many people do you think run macros? I don’t even use semi-auto. I have only full auto stuff. I only use ARs and SMGs. The only “macro” I have (if you can even call it that) is the net braker set on one of my mouse buttons so my left hand is free for movement but I have to push it just like anybody with a controller, its just that you can’t bind it to that button in game so I have to set a “macro”.

I don’t think that you meant to reply to me, I was only pointing out that in-game, without using anything on mouse or keyboard software or buttons and only using in-game settings, you can quite easily perform at macro-optimized click rates as long as you rebind your fire key to either mouse wheel up or mouse wheel down. That’s something in the game which requires no external software or hardware. It makes this particular argument really hard to come down one way or the other on because if something in the game allows you to do as fast as macro shooting, there’s no way to ever be able to tell if something is macro shooting or not.

regardless, there needs to be something which minimizes the ability of macros or scroll-wheel-shooting and which also allows for rapid fire from going click-crazy on a semi-auto but still a total slower rate than the maximum macro rate right now but allowing for sometimes you click quicker than the simple every x milliseconds?

I wanted to reply to you but I misunderstood what you meant. I read that like you can bind it with a macro to mouse scroll to shoot it and not bind it to scroll from in game. Did not even try it to be honest but the problem they have is that PC can do that and PS can’t. So they will still have this problem since PS can’t do it(perhaps with a MK combo on PS?).

Right, Illfonic needs to make some changes because they give PC in-game settings that PS players do not have. That is in addition to the equipment physical abilities. I can physically click at around 20 clicks per second if i adjust the hold on my mouse and click towards the base. In order to do this, I have to keep the mouse stationary, but it means if the predator is running at me or if the predator is engaging melee with a team mate in some angles, I can do it. To keep things more on-target when I do this, I crouch, which reduces the weapon recoil spread.

I honestly have no idea if there is a way that a console player could adjust their grip to be able to click at a rate over the input limit to ensure the maximum fire rate, even if doing so limits their ability in some way.

I also have found that while you can hit grimtech max-fire rate doing this, you’re better off using a 1011-12 and taking about 2.5 seconds while clicking furiously on the mouse button in a normal mouse holding position where you can continue to change aim as the pred moves.

I got a PS but my use of it its limited, like 2 games/year. Only some exclusives that I really, really want. So no idea but they could but a MK combo but they would probably suck with it until they learn to use it. I got one for my PS and it makes shooting far more easy but I am shit with the controller.