Isabelle passive rework

Isabelle is low tier, but one simple change could make her more of an actual glass cannon

  • remove damage increased beyond 50m
  • add damage increased while not moving

This would make her passive much less situational yet still require a small drawback.


I second this


Get back to the game! We got preds to kill!

But yeah the 50m passive is essentially worthless


Shuddup! Stupid!

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I Second this aswell

But maybe make it a little more harder to activate. Like standing still for 2 seconds to activate the buff because at the moment it just requires stop moving shoot move. Wash rinse repeat

Cause you know FT strong as fuck as is lol


I thought about that, but think of Assault. Assault has 10% extra damage at all times. Isabelle having 15% while not moving, would just tend to benefit snipers and other high single shot damage weapons.


True true. But doesn’t her passive already work for all weapons already or is it just snipers

Yes. It works for all weapons. I’m just thinking of encouraging a play style.

For example, imagine that Support had a passive that increased damage by 1% per second as they continuously fired there weapon. That would encourage Support players to use the LMG, RP-103.

It’s similar to Deadly, but not so on the nose as 10% buff with [insert weapon type].

It’s such a worthless passive. 99% of engagements and shots are well within 50m, not to mention her other passive is bad imho as mud is worthless against good preds and good FT players don’t need to bother with it.

She just needs a massive buff and stat rework along with at least 1 good passive


Have her 2 passives be

Reduced or negated fall off damage for sniper rifles up to X meters

X% damage increase after standing still for 2(maybe 3) seconds.

As for the rest of her base stats and points, I got nothing


Great suggestion dude!

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Thanks. There were zero balance changes last update, so I don’t have my hopes up. Just have to throw mud at the wall and hope something sticks.


Pretty sure there weren’t any major or decent for that matter balance changes for the last 3-4 updates. Not that many bug fixes either.

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Not much, but there have been a couple. The biggest was the Smart Disk buff.

Like I said, just throwing mud at the wall. Illfonic has never been too responsive to balance feedback from the community.

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Well its because we’ve derailed threads and said mean words which means the developers are incapable of implementing changes because the community managers are upset.


The smart disk buff was by far one the greatest things they’ve added however after that that’s it. Still waiting on FM to be relooked at as well as addressing several bugs cough cough audio bug cough. We’ve gotten very little aside from a new “class” or map.

My only problem with smart disc right now is how much health those things have! They have like triple the health of the pred and it’s health resets on pick up!

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We ALL are.


Tbh I don’t mind that since it leaves a bit of teamwork for the FT to have to coordinate some fire before the next one comes.

i second this because it makes izzy’s melee even stronger