It's too easy

Yeah it feels that way cause there’s no matchmaking so FT members aren’t at the correct skill level to match the Predator

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It will be a while because my roommate is playing rn

Take your time. Just @ me whenever you do

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Yeah of all the games that needs SBMM this one might be the biggest. however I can see predator becoming really unfun for good players, as being against a good team can be a nightmare sometimes, and if thats all you get because of SBMM… yeah. Frustrating.


thats not even mentioning the likeliness that the divided playerbase due to sbmm is gonna alienate a lot of players, as the queues will be aids.


I won’t let me send for some reason you have Snapchat or insta

nah unfortunately. Thats a shame. Regardless im sure it looks sick.

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Omfg wtf what rock are you on? The rock I am on only packs shitty preds.

Out of curiousity

Pc or ps4?

Solo Or pre made teams?

and What is the loadout you use most?

(I gurantee that somewhere in your answers for those questions, is an explanation for why every pred sucks ass for you.)

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thats mine

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Ha that’s cool my roommate has one called ghost too

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I can almost guarantee he’s on console. Due to many games being randoms, same with pc, and with consoles less capable aiming it means predators have far more of a chance.

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image I find it easy slaughtering predators especially berserkers and hunters and that’s with randoms and no mic I don’t use silenced weapons because I want you to come to me, if you ever see me in game be sure I’ll bait you and track you and you’ll become my prey and your picture will be on my wall along with the other fallen 300+ Predators.

You ever kill me?

What are you going to do if someone self destructs in a place that you can’t reach or just runs around the map for 15 minutes? Can’t get a picture of their dead body in either situation.

image defusing is easy for me 😂🤣😂

image and yeah those guys that run around the map for 15 minutes hopping about like frogs aren’t hard to eventually track down even when we split up as you can see in my pic! 😂🤣😂