J_A_S_O_N_F13TH speed hack user

J_A_S_O_N_F13TH is a fucking hacker!!! he simply shot two arrows in a row at me and my team. he knocked down a support with a cannon shot and even used a bug to launch the spear and arrow one after the other without pause. If he’s in that group, fuck you, you little shit. let’s report J_A_S_O_NF13TH. Go fuck jason and his friends up

You’re in trouble now Jason! I tell ya!

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That’s kinda the meta strat I’ve seen from most ‘top’ predators. Means it’s more difficult to play this game, even casually if that’s what you normally come across. It’s just a game, it ain’t that serious. So I don’t really get why people resort to cheap, exploit-laden gameplay. fyi I don’t agree Jason’s a speed hacker btw XD

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Reportadooooo Jason hacker 🤣🤣 ambibot, gWallhack, turboPistole

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He plays on console

There’s no speedhack for console.

He uses “exploits” to skip certain animations. Would I call that cheating? No, not for playing pred. No “exploit” a predator uses could be considered cheating given the unfair balance of the game towards Fireteam. Specially if going against premades.

Two bow headshots will down most classes with the right build. He is damn good with that bow.

Fully charge plasma will down a Support with the proper builds.

Don’t want to get knocked down so easily? Play Dante/Dutch25/Support+Thickskin and Owlf if possible. If there are more supports on your team you will not go down so fast. You’ll still die quickly if you are potato like most players in this game

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False information

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direct hits were buffed so, stacking stalker+dowrange should make dmg like 175

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Fully charged direct hit is 140 and there’s no FT armor for plasma, so it is the full 140HP

with stalker’s 20% (168HP) and downrange’s 10% (184.8HP)

So, 185 HP with the right build. You’ll need support thick skin or two supports near each other to not go down in 1 hit

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Me, using speed hack on ps? lmfao. You must be delusional. I know you very well, you are one of my customers at public matches. You and your team are idiots, you don’t have the slightest ability to face the predator, you just stay in the excavation cave with various supports and PDLS. As your friend said (Elite_Hunter87) “mission is for cowards” so I suggest you shut your mouth before I kill your team once again and post it here for everyone to see. NOTE: last time you only took 200 damage against me 😊😉


This video from Samhain shows you and your friends taking it up the ass while using the super fanatic. you guys are a bunch of disabled people!

Reportadooo turbo macro prostituta 😂

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4 years since the game came out and there are still Day 1 players, like the fairy yautja, who don’t get how this game works.

playing the predator is hard, really fucking hard. they made it that way because otherwise almost nobody would play FT. Even as hard as it is, about half the player base play pred exclusively or far more than FT.

But the problem is the amount of potatos on both sides, which makes you win as the predator “98% of the time” if you are any decent at it. But also makes you win as the FT 90% if you are decent at it. I guess it is easier to scream “CHEATER” than hurting your ego and accepting you may not be as good as you thought, but the worst attitude one can have is not only not accepting it, but refusing to understand and learn. Like a little kid. It’s okay if you don’t want to get better, don’t wanna sweat, but don’t be an idiot and talk about shit you don’t understand because you have such a big ego you can’t accept you aint special.

I’m not that good at this game. Neither as pred or FT. But given the balance as it is, even a top tier FT player, if alone, while will make you struggle, with 3 potatoes you’ll win if you know what you are doing. No cheats, no nothing. I’ve beaten beer, sam, riktigkt by myself when playing pred, but only if they are alone with 3 brain dead potatos. And I’m not “good”, I’m decent, at best. but once good FT players start to team up, it becomes a whole other game. It goes from very easy to very difficult. Even with fucking cheats. I’ve cheated massively against CRaftsman, Mojo, Psycho, Dusan, backo and the whole crew… and while I win dirty, my fucking god is fucking hard to not get melted in 2 seconds… People don’t get it because, 98% of the time, you’ll face players that are not even level 50, that can’t aim even with their schlong while peeing, and that have the reaction time of a herion addict in the middle of a trip. There’s no fixing that. Hopefully when they release the game on Xbox they’ll rework the aim assist and since the xbox player base in general are far better than PS players when it comes to FPS games, maybe it will get a bit better for a while.


This. All of this.

Once upon a time, I played PHG pretty much all day, every day, and it was exclusively as Pred. I thought I was hot shit, until I would run into coordinated teams that actually knew how to shoot, and I was fucked. That was fairly early in the game’s life, I wasn’t very present here on the forums and had no clue why things were happening the way they were, so admittedly I was one of those potatoes that thought some kind of nefarious deed was going on. But as I discovered this place and the wealth of information it had, I educated myself on why the balance was so fucked and understood why things were what they were, and adapted my playstyle from there. I was able to hold my own better against these teams, not always beating them but most of the time not dying to them, which is a win in my book. But its easy to get cocky when you spend all night running through Level 50 or less players, on both sides, as I did eventually start playing FT and learned that side of the game. It feels like a quick hit of your favorite drug, its euphoric when you beat a FT or down a Pred and you got the most damage cuz you know what you’re doing, and with the high potato count this happens so, so much. But then you meet that Pred or those FT with names you recognize from the forums, and you get humbled very quickly. But that is such a rare occurrence, as the player base is saturated with newbies and casuals, so you get very comfy farming spuds. And for someone like the fairy, who doesn’t take the time to educate themselves about the game and its mechanics and balances, you think you’re pretty skilled and a top player. Then you meet a Craftsman. Then you meet a Beer. Or a Sam. We’ve all been there, I’ve been there, and it sucks. But you do yourself a better service in educating yourself about the game and why its so fucked, rather than raging about cheating and hacking. And I think the ability to do that is what separates the men from the boys in this community, not just our skill level.


