JH87's Armor for everyone


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And this guy


I can live without the mask but the dual wrist blades is a must


Just to let ya all know one thing, if a game releases with a pre-order bonus of a specific item it does not stop them selling it in future at all, just means the people who pre-ordered got it for free, they are fully allowed by law to sell it in future at whatever price they want to, did it specifically state as the pre-order bonus, this will never be available again to future customers ?, because if it did not it’s perfectly legal.

I agree I didn’t have a chance to preorder

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This thread isn’t about getting the pre-order class it’s about getting his armor, and having the ability to put it on another Predator


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I like this

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No givin 87 to others but for preds
we own I want to equip masks and armor to other classes

So if samurai is bad then I want his armor on my hunter ect

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Every player would get a free set of JH87 armor. Every other armor is locked behind the Predator it belongs to, and the only way to get them is by unlocking that Predator
It would add so much more customization


No, just no. @illfonic provided non-pre-orders with a mythical bio mask drop.

Taking his armor in combination with bio mask drop essentially gives the 87 Jungle Hunter to people that didn’t pre-order.

Completely against this idea. If you didn’t pre-order you don’t have Jungle Hunter.

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That sucks you didn’t pre-order — but there was a 5 month window from when Sony announced pre-order bonus in Dec 2019 to when game launched April 24th 2020.

There was more than ample time to pre-order.

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Erm yea but where saying if you have him you can equip his and other preds armor too

Other pred classes

So if I have zerk or Sam or Viking ect UNLOCKED

I can equip the armor on my hunter or scout

Get it or no?

If they gave away JH87 armor variant for all classes then everyone would have JH87 the mask is already public.

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So no

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Ohhhh that’s why I’ve been sucking ass that hard lately

Get it, but don’t agree with it. Each Predator armor belongs with it’s respective class and shouldn’t be swapped with other Predators.

Each Predator model was designed for a specific armor, bespoke to that build — it would be a nightmare to try and make them fit other bodies firstly; secondly it ruins the unique nature of each Predator class, the Samurai Predator wouldn’t be the Samurai Predator anymore for instance; and lastly it’s not a thing that makes sense to take the time nor effort to accomplish.

This notion is going no where and you shouldn’t waist your time nor energy debating it either.

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Nearly all games leave pre-order exclusives to just that — exclusive to pre-orders and never release them again, that’s they very point of them and their exclusivity.

Well it wouldn’t be giving JH87 away because he would still have his unique states, head model, and unique JH87 skins
And if you were to give Samurai’s armor away I strongly believe the Samurai exclusive armor shaders shouldn’t transfer to everyone.

If you look at my examples

You will see that I kept the style of JH87 consistent until I got to Samurai. I tried to maintain both looks from each character, but I kept Samurai’s unique color scheme

I’m pretty sure each model has a default armorless model because of a few factors

  • We have a mission in Excavation were we have to blow up a dead Predator body

  • Hunter, Alpha, CH97, and JH87 all share the same default Predator model

  • Scout and Elder both share the same slim Predator model

  • Berserker, Samurai, and Viking all share the same beefy Predator model

So it would possible take some time to align every part perfectly, but it wouldn’t take as long as your saying