JH87's Armor for everyone

Well I know that but I didn’t have money, sure I could’ve asked my parents but I wanted to see how the game did at first before preordering

I might do another Photoshop of either more Predator armors on different Predators, or maybe some other type of feature people want in the game

Like maybe Predator face customizations

I work as a graphic designer, creative endeavors and technical things take time to develop and there’s allot more than meets the eye.

Personally, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree and waisting your time.

Adding more armor & mask shaders make sense, adding more skin patterns make sense, different Predlock textures and styles make sense, but reverse engineering unique Predator class armors to force them onto other Predators doesn’t make sense.

Not only do you have the creative & technical hurdles but there’s also a fiscal impact. Players that are spending money on unique Predators are doing so to have a specific Predator.

The Samurai Predator was intentionally designed a certain way with specific stats with a unique look and feel — by allowing a non-Samurai Predator to don the Samurai Predator’s armor it dilutes the Samurai Predator’s class’ worth.

Similarly allowing non-Jungle Hunter ‘87 Predator’s to wear his armor does the same. Ya da, ya da it won’t say ‘Jungle Hunter’, nor have his face or stats but that doesn’t matter. His likeness is primarily defined by his Bio-Mask and Armor, the most visible thing seen by players, thus making an exclusive thing no longer such if armors were swappable.

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And therefore you opted out of getting the exclusive Jungle Hunter ‘87 pre-order bonus, that’s it and that’s all.

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Yes people are going off of what they see when playing, but before even seeing the Predator everyone checks the scoreboard to see what their up against. The scoreboard gives them an idea of what they’re playing agents, but they always look the same (only with a different color or mask). That in itself can get a little repetitive and sometimes make a couple of matches feel like one continuous match.

He may have been the first Predator, but he certainly isn’t the only Predator to that has that armor and mask. A couple of other Predators have similar or identical armor and masks.
Elder is literally an older JH87, Scar has a similar mask, Dark and a few other Predators in the 2010 AVP game look similar in appearance to JH87, there is an entire Predator clan of Jungle Hunters in AVP: Evolution, and finally the we have Crucified Predator

If I remember correctly someone did photoshop a JH87 to look like the Crucified Predator

Don’t know if they ever did make that 3D Crucified Predator.

But I digress
This topic is mainly a discussion about something that will most likely never happen. I mainly made this topic to give an idea to people, maybe even help them come up with some ideas of their own. I know I’ve gotten a few neat ideas from my discussion with you, and I hope you got something out of this as well.

Why not just add his armour as a mythical drop? That way he’ll be available to everybody, but noone will actually be lucky enough to get it, which makes both sides happy, no? 😆

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You sir have a chaotic mind, and I like it

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Ok, my final opinion on this thread.

If you get JH’s armor, you get JH entirely (basically).

If you get his armor, you can also get his mask from a lootbox. You will literally have JH, with better stats.

The only difference is that JH might be a little skinnier or have more muscles.

The unique head model is not what I pre-ordered for, and I know I definitely didn’t pre-order for armor shaders.

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No you pre ordered the Jungle Hunter 87 class, you will forever keep that class
With my suggestion of an idea others might look like JH87 but they will never be JH87, instead they will be part of the clan of Jungle Hunters

If you look at other games with the Predator in it, a lot those Predators look like JH87 but they are not actually him

If I had more time I would have made each of my photoshops more unique looking from JH87. I was also limited my the device I was using as well as the the software itself

How would you differentiate a non-pre-order JH from a pre-order JH?

They’ll literally be JH with a different skin tone / muscle mass.

I could care less about the class, the look is the most important part.

If they look like JH, it takes away from JH’s exclusivity. The only exclusive thing would be a head model, skin tone, and worse-than-default stats.

If I pre-ordered JH, knowing he would have worse stats than the default class and also knew his armor was free for everyone, I wouldn’t have pre-ordered. I pre-ordered for the armor and mask of JH, not his crap stats and slightly different head model.

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For one thing when people look at the scoreboard they will see JH87 if it’s someone actually using the pre-order
If it’s not someone with the pre-order then that Predator might look something like the Crucified Predator

JH87 has very dark armor as his default, and Crucified’s armor is actually a very light grey

So, they would just look like elder with JH’s mask, is what you’re trying to say.

Plus, who cares what the name of the class is. Like I said before, I don’t care about the class, I care about the look. You wont be able to differentiate a non-pre-order JH from a normal JH or an elder with JH’s mask unless they stand still right in front of you. You will literally have the same look of three different predators and call one exclusive to a person who pre-ordered.


To some it up yes
Minus the bone necklace of course

So we would have three classes who all look the same, the pre-order one having sub-par stats.

I don’t see why anyone would want to buy a worse version of something that’s free for everyone.


Was never thinking of this being a payed offer

I fail to see what you’re trying to say.

Could you elaborate?

I’m really having a hard time trying to get across what is in my head

Ah, ok. We can continue later if you’d prefer, to give you some time on the idea.

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In truth I came up with this “solution” after seeing so many threads about people just wanting JH87 for free or at some kind of price. Another problem I saw, even though it was a small one, was the lack of armor variants Predators could equip.

So I thought “hey let’s knock out 2 birds with 1 stone” and came up with this idea.

In other media there are a lot of other Predators that share something with the OG JH87, but they themselves were different characters.
So I quickly slapped something together in photoshop to serve as a visual aid.
All I’m trying to do is pitch and idea here
I thought more people would be up for something like this, but apparently I was wrong

I doubt people will actually look at what I have said in the past posts, and immediately slap down in the reply box “Jungle Hunter 87 is exclusive, stop pushing for this. If you wanted him so bad you should have pre-ordered like the rest of us” or something like that.

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He wants JH armor on his other Predators