join me in (un)healthy speculation

hey man i liked ODST it’s atmospheric storytelling was incredible and it’s the closest we’ll ever get to a more open world halo experiance the only downside of the game was well you weren’t a spartan
(unless infinite actually ends up being really good)

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I enjoy this helmet, it pleases me

I know it’s a wild idea, but could it be possible that quick play wouldn’t allow you to pick a game mode? And only private matches could pick different game modes?

I know it’s a wild idea, but if you can’t pick the game mode for quick play, it may improve queue times rather than weaken them.

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I feel like Infinite is going to be good. I feel like it will have co-op campaign like how avengers seems to be starting so we can hope

i would assume not as the dailies can refer to a single game mode like HUNT so therefore it would be unfortunat if someone say only has 3 hours to play a day and he never gets HUNT since they are unlucky or they only get HUNT 4 times when they needed 10 now because of que times he can’t complete the daily now one would say just private your games out but that’s kinda an unreasonable take?

so no i don’t think they would have quickplay be random

I feel like quickplay will become something only randoms can choose. And if you make a premade the size of the premade would determine what game modes you can play. So 2-4 can play either of the modes 5-W/e they choose to only be able to play the new mode. While if you are a pred player you can only team to play the new mode

Hunt: showdown has two modes that don’t seem to split the player base.

I think we need to see before we judge.

It could still be last man standing or something else.


Separately a new mode could be happen at the end of a Hunt round encouraging you to stay in the match.

A round two if you will.

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Can they just stop Arnold from checking his watch? Please!


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This is already in use, I saw it about 5 times now.
If a player disconnects from a lobby and rejoins, he will lose his former callsign and become Echo.
If a player disconnects and another player joins, they will have the same call sign.
I think it rather has to do something with the way that the game distributes callsigns.

22 days until the new map and mode!!

I hope we get Predator dlc this time!!

Are you sure it isnt the beginning of next month?

Absolutely. They said September.

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Sadly if i die before the new month begins, tell them I waited to the end of September. They said end of month.

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Macho don’t die. They multiply. Ooooooohhhh yyyeeeaaaaahhhh, dig it!